Lukas and Petra play Slender

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sorry, i meant to publish this chapter but never got around to it! ^^ i had a lot of fun writing this chapter, it's probably one of my favorites...

...probably because lukas and petra are just in pjs playing a horror game at two in the morning while eating cereal...

Petra: Dawson, what!?

Dawson: Common, it a good game!

Petra: ...

Dawson: ...that I'm totally afraid of...

Petra: ...

Dawson: ...and I want to make you and Lukas play...

Petra: ...are you trying to make us act like Dan and Phil?

Dawson: ...maybe.

Petra: *sighs then facepalms*...fine.


*petra and lukas in pastel blue pjs because yes ^^*

Petra: Ready?

Lukas: no.

Petra: close enough! *turns on video camera and shuts down lights*

Lukas: *whimpers*

Petra: Hey, at least Dawson provided us with her recording room...slash bedroom...

Lukas: I guess...

Petra: ...well, there's these comfy chairs, a nice carpet, a plate of cookies, a nice couch with pastel pillows...nothing scary.

Lukas: It's dead at night.

Petra: ...I'm gonna turn on the game

Lukas: Petra-

Petra: Imma push it

Lukas: Petra....

Petra: *moves hand slightly towards the power button*

Lukas: Petra.

Petra: *moves hand closer to the power button...*

Lukas: PETRA.

Petra: Oops, my hand slipped. *turns on monitor and Slender music plays*

Lukas: *whimpers*

*lights turn off leaving only pastel christmas lights that dawson forgot to take down, Totoro and Wolf children plushies, and a small pastel blue desk lamp visible...*

Petra: Okay, I'm going to turn on the video camera now so we can record, okay?

Lukas: How's my hair?

Petra: *rolls eyes and shoves him*

(...I'm sorry I had to ^^...  )

*everything is dark...*



(with luktra)

J U S T  B A R E L Y M I D N I G H T

2:00 am

Petra: Okay, we doing okay?

~Mc story mode stuff 2 :DOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora