
46 4 2

I was just doing Dawson things, being mahself, and then

Brain: Hey

Me: Uh...hi.

Brain: You know the song, "I remember you," from adventure time?

Me: Of course, I love that song.

Brain: Well...

Brain: ...what if...

Me: ...yeah?

Brain: Petra....

Me: ...yeah?

Brain: ...was the one singing that song? And she was singing it during episode 4, when she had amnesia, and she was singing it to Jesse and Lukas...

Me: ....

And that just ruined my entire day.

This was the video that was stuck in my head

Marceline~Petra in episode 4

The Ice King~hmm... a mix of Jesse, Lukas, and Ivor, probably.

So you're welcome

And sorry for now ruining your entire day with sadness and the feels


"Please forgive me for whatever I do, when I don't remember you."

Just... ;-;

~Mc story mode stuff 2 :DWhere stories live. Discover now