A Luktra poem

54 8 14


Two friends

One sits at the edge, taking in the sights

One is bored, eyes glazed over

Autumn leaves twist in the wind and sink in the origami sea.

One friend is holding a camera recorder

The other adjusts his blonde hair

She asks if he's ready

He nods

She turns it on, and they talk

They dance

They cartwheel

They joke

They draw flowers on each others faces

They put on costumes and make silly faces

For the end of the video, the girl suggests they jump

Into the waves

Into the bubbling folding crisp sea

The boy shakes his head and whimpers

The girl assures him she'll be there with him

He goes

They stand at the edge together

Camera rolling in the grass

The girl shakes her head of red hair, sighs, inhales

She breathes in and out

She advices her friend to do the same

He does

Don't worry, she says

I'll be there for you

They jump

The camera records the emptiness of the cliff and the grass

Finally, they both resurface

They come back laughing

They talk again

They dance again

They joke again

But something is different now

They lie in the grass and stare up at the emerging sun

He cartwheels and knocks her over

She punches his shoulder

They put on goggles and stare at endless maps

They hum wordless songs while the boy strums on a small ukelele

The girl smiles and he blushes

The two climb a nearby tree, colourful with faded autumn leaves

They dance, he trips and she catches him

They both laugh as the girl drops him awkwardly

And somewhere along the way

The boy fell in love


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