Funny shipping stories I have

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Me and my friend were playing mcsm.

These were our interactions

And lemme tell ya

It's pretty funny

Episode 1

Friend: Ok! Who should we play as?

Me: Uh, how about the one with the red flower? I always play as her.

Friend: Sure.

Me: *loads up game*

Friend: *elapse time 2.5 seconds* WE HAVE A PIG!!!???

Me: *nods* ^-^ His name is Rueben

Friend: *squeals* HE'S SO CUTE!!!


Me: Ok, what's our team name gonna be?

Friend: Uh-

Me: Oh no

Friend: What?

Me: *points at the ocelots* They're judging us.

Friend: Hmmm...we should be the dead enders!

Me: B-but...that makes it sound like we're dead.

Friend: I DON"T CARE.

Me: *sighs* Fine, we're the dead enders.


Petra: Hey guys.


Friend: Who's she?

Me: Petra

Friend: Is she our friend?

Me: Yup. ^-^

Lukas: *thanks Petra for getting him a nether star*

Petra: No problem Lukas

Me: *slams fist down on table and smiles like an idiot*

Friend: Are you ok?

Me: *whisper-yells* I ship it....

Friend: Lukas and Pe-

Me: Yessssss....


Me: We should go talk to him

Friend: But he's a jerk

Me: Nope, I don't care, we're talking to him

Friend: *as I drag her along to see Lukas* NOOOODAWSONNNNN...

Jesse: Cool beans

Lukas: Cool-o-rama

Me: Best conversation-

~Mc story mode stuff 2 :DDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora