Another Luktra poem

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I'm bored.


The two friends

Sitting at the edge

The camera stops filming

The endless maps and the ukulele sit on a rock


The boy is content where they are

But the girl


She grumbles

Puts her head in her hands

The boy asks what's wrong

She says she's bored

He suggests filming something

She just shakes her head

And doesn't respond

He thinks

Are you ok?

No response

You've been acting weird


Just silence

The winds picks up

She hugs her knees


Then she looks at him

I have an idea, she mumbles

She takes his hand

And walks towards the far edge

Of the cliff

The boy hides his fear

For her

They jump off again

They surface


He surfaces

The girl sinks

The boy's face goes pale

He dives underneath

To see her swimming down

He goes after her

He grabs her arm

She yanks it away

Just let me drown, she says angrily

Her face turns red and she points to the surface

He shakes his head


She balls up her fists


He grabs her arm again

What's wrong?

Then he sees it

Violet smears on her arm

From her stained sleeve

He gasps

A sudden wave from the navy sea knocks them both back

Salt-water fills their heads

Fogs their vision

She hits her head

She's ok

But she's angrier

She pulls on her hair

~Mc story mode stuff 2 :DWhere stories live. Discover now