The Participants show everyone behind the scenes of the murder mystery -Day 4

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Day 4 of filming


papisuu: *flicks camera on* THE SECOND GUEST HAS FALLEN

Fangirlll2002: *in the background doing the whip* oh no

papisuu: *turns around* What are you doing?

*scene cuts*

*camera crew filming*

papisuu: *trudging through thick snow* this is stupid *looks at camera and laughs*

Director: Hey, you're the one who wanted this freaking part!

papisuu: *grumbles and waves hand casually* I know, I know.

*scene cuts*

CometFall3X: I stole Faye's camera, so here we are

*looks over promotional poster, giant ceiling-to-wall electronic poster*

CometFall3X: Hey look, it's meeee *zooms camera in to corner of screen*

FayeofThunder: *in background* what are you doing with my camera?

CometFall3X: Ah! Nothing! *hides camera in pocket*

FayeofThunder: Comet, gimme my camera.

*scene cuts*

Joey: Ok hello there,

Stacy: No you're supposed to do what you always say

Joey: Oh right *laughs*...can we redo it or...?

Stacy: *laughs* no we can't redo it!

*scene blips out for a second*

Joey: *claps hands together* Ah, good day everyone!

Joey: We're all currently on a bus, raining outside, because reasons,

Joey: And we're going to be doing an outdoor scene, very fun

Stacy: It's going to be like boiling degrees

Lizzie: *in background* Yeah, we're going to be stopping at a bakery, then well head to the set.

Joey: Well, anything to help little Stacy Anya and Lizzie *wraps arm around Stacy*

Stacy: *rolls eyes* Ok Joey

*scene cuts*

*camera crew filming everyone outside, everyone panting*

Jesse: *drinking water from water bottle, looks at camera* we're dying.

1silverswirl1: *rolling in grass* ahhhhhhhhhhhh

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