The Participants show everyone behind the scenes of the murder mystery -Day 2

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Day 2 of filming

(just accidentally spilled water all over my computer and it's starting to smell like burning muffins...whoops, that..that's my bad...)


papisuu: *flicks on camera* Hey! It's day two, and I'm here with-JESSE WHAT ARE YOU DOING!? *turns camera towards Jesse*

Jesse: Kobe! *kicks soccer ball and it lands on camera, shutting off all lights in the studio.* Oh frick! I am-*shares look of terror at Papisuu, then laughs.* I am so sorry!!

*scene cuts*

*camera person applying bruises to apersonofboredom and Cassie Rose, Papisuu zooms in as Cassie is talking to the camera person.*

*muffled, 'so do i run or..?..oh?..ok, that's cool too, so i run into Boredom and then what...oh i ok,' interrupted by Boredom, 'you're really unsure about this aren't you?'*

*scene cuts*

Lizzie: ok, so the entire cast is going on a shopping trip to get stuff we need for the movie, and I thought we were going to get caught by fans,

Stampy: so I made disguises *puts on wig and hat* hey, Stacy, how do I look?

Stacy: *behind camera* You tried Stampy *snickers,* you tried.

Stampy: hey! that's not very nice! *shoves Stacy as Stacy laughs*

*scene cuts*

*everyone is on private train trip, it's dark and raining outside, Stacy filming on her own camcorder, Comet asleep, Crystal listening to music...*

Stacy: Hey look! Joey's coming to help us with filming! Say hi Joey! *turns camera towards Joey Graceffa who's sitting next to Stacy.*

Joey: *laughs* Hello everyone! I'm here helping little Stacy here, with filming! *imitating Effie Trinket* and oh! it's just like the hunger games!*claps* oh i love it so much!

Lizzie: Guess who else we have here! Stacy turn the camera *'muffled, oh sorry while Stacy flips towards two others.'*

*camera shows DanTDM and CaptainSparklez*

Dan: Hey! *laughs* we're here helping!

Sparklez: Yeah, we're basically ghosts.

Stampy: *laughs* You're ghosts.

Dan: We died, so-*laughs*

Stacy: *flips camera towards the others talking in the front of the train (or wait maybe it's a bus...)*

*'muffled, 'ok so who would be Clove?' someone replies with, 'definitely Kendall,' laughter, 'why me!?' more laughter...*

*'ok, who would be Peeta?' someone saying, 'Lukas,' lukas says, 'what!? why?' Petra laughs, someone then points out that Petra would be Katniss, Petra stops and everyone laughs, even Lukas, as Petra punches Comet's arm for saying that,*

Joey: *sighs* So much, drama, my gosh.

Lizzie: It would literally be so cool if we could meet the people from the Hunger games, like Foxface, Rue, Cato, Glimmer, Thresh, Clove, who else am I missing?

Dan: Actually, I think we are going to meet them at some point.

Everyone else: really!?

*Stacy suddenly drops camera, camera facing up blurring in and out*

Stacy: op, I dropped the camera, my bad. *reaches towards the blurring camera.*

*scene cuts*

FayeofThunder: Ok so *turns camera on* Comet what you were doing, to transition everything...

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