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I worked my ass off the next week and a half, fitting in an extra show so that I could make sure I was home Friday evening for Greg's carnival. Missing it just wasn't going to happen. I probably would have killed off an uncle if necessary but luckily it wasn't. I flew through Texas on the way home and Esther booked me a four hour layover so that I could meet mom for dinner.  It actually went well and I felt unstoppable.

There's always a lull towards the end of January. Maybe it's because I don't have much family or because my job is the way it is or simply just my personality but it almost feels like I've recovered from Christmas faster than everyone else. Everyone still seems to be like in a turkey coma and I'm busting around double speed, making shit happen.  This year was more epic than most.

My flight home had gotten into LA late. I had a meeting at 9 AM with my agent and after that, I decided to stop in and see Ollie before heading back down to San Diego. Our friendship was weird because I could go a few days without talking to him and often went weeks without seeing him but eventually it just sort of built up and I didn't know what I would do if I didn't get an Ollie fix. I needed one today and luckily he was around.

"Hi honey" he chimed, throwing the door open. "Get in here, it's freezing."

I chuckled because I'd been much colder places lately but it was certainly chilly for LA. "I'm here, slow your roll Lollipop. How have you been?"  I gave him a hug.

"Good. Same. How's your exciting jet-setting life treating you? Hot tea? Coffee?"

"Whatever you're having is fine." I'd never been much of a tea drinker before my surgery, I'd done it when I needed to for my voice, but when I had to give up coffee for so long I acquired a taste for it.

"Chai it is."

"Yay." It was one of my favorites.  I didn't realize he was upset until he put the kettle on and then gripped the counter, staring at the stove as if it would make the water boil faster. "You okay?"  Or maybe he wasn't feeling well?

"Yeah. Can I ask you a favor?" He turned around and faced me then, waiting for my nod. "I assume you have a lawyer, right?"

"Of course. What do you need?"

"I absolutely don't want to get you in trouble or to do anything that's hard or anything like that but it's just that the trial, for the guy who stabbed the dead guy? The trial should be over by now but I don't know how to find out what happened. I was wondering if your lawyer has access to anything?" The kettle went off and he poured the steaming water into two cups.

"I can ask. I don't know how those things work. You've got to give me the dead guy's last name or the case number if you have it or whatever. I can definitely ask him to look into it."

He slid a steaming mug towards me. "Thank you." He pulled a folded piece of paper out of his pocket and put it on the counter next to my mug. "If I owe you any money for it, just let me know."

"Oh please. It's nothing."  Did no one realize that I had more money than all of them put together?  It was nice though, really, that they didn't always expect me to pay for everything.  I never felt used.

"So um, can I ask how you and Sir Greg are doing?" He grabbed his cup and headed towards the couch so I did the same.

"You can ask but I'm not quite sure how to answer. I think he's considering us living together."

"Damn it!" he yelped, his mug banging onto the table top as he went towards the kitchen. "You made me spill my damn tea! Why didn't you warn me?"

Mine was still pretty hot and I hoped he hadn't burned himself. "Are you okay?"

"Hunky-dory. Okay, please tell me why you think that."

"Well he sort of said it outright. He wants us to move into his mom's house. But just to be clear, he hasn't decided yet. Do I get points for not asking him about it? I'm being patient."

"You're a braver boy than I am. His mother's house huh? Are you sure you want to do that? I mean, shit honey I'm not trying to rain on your parade."

"No, I get it. Trust me. But he's probably not going to ask me so there's really no point in worrying about it too much. But I'm kind of glad I told you because I just, I needed to tell somebody, you know?"

"Oh I get that 1000%. And honestly Chris, the fact that he's even maybe possibly considering it is a huge deal. You should be sainted. Sainted? Is that what they call making someone a saint?"

I laughed. "Canonized."

"You're not serious. That sounds like something they only do at the circus."

The mental image of me wearing a ridiculous helmet and shooting out of a cannon was enough to make me laugh out loud. "You wish!"

"Well maybe just once.  As long as you don't get hurt.  Does that make me evil?"  He was laughing now.

"Well maybe just a lot" I teased.

It took him a few minutes to calm down and when he did, he was completely serious. "So what are you going to say if he asks?  I know you probably want to, I mean course you do.  Is it as scary as it seems?"

"Oh yeah it is.  Fucking terrifying.  And you totally hit the nail on the head. I absolutely 1000% want to but I'm not sure if it's the right move.  I don't know if either of us will enjoy it.  Is he going to dump my breakfast in the trash if I cook without permission?"

He frowned. "Christmas, right.  That was so stupid."

"But he's fine if he's at my place. I wish he could just move into my apartment."

Ollie looked at me, and then away, and then at me again. "I'm just thinking here, just thinking out loud. But no, that would be weird. And he has his mother's house, right? There's no way to talk him into... Maybe?... No. I give up. I can't even comprehend how many colors your contract is going to be in. You're going to need one of those five-star zipper binders. Or maybe a rolling book bag. Chris?"

He wasn't wrong. "Yeees?"

"I love you, you know that right?"

He didn't want me to do it. It was written all over his face and in his tone and it royally sucked because his opinion really, really mattered. "I shouldn't do it. You don't have to say it. I get it." And then a horrific thought popped into my head. "What if he asks and I say no? After I didn't sign the damn contract before? And we don't even have one now! He's going to hate me."

"Oh shit." That's all he said. No advice, no help. It was bad if even Ollie didn't see the bright side right away. What the hell was I going to do?

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