Thirty Two

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He'd been fired?  Why?  Shit, the article. No! No, no, no!! My mother's question about him working with children came back to me and I had to close my eyes to keep my stomach from revolting.  But I shouldn't assume, maybe it was just staff cuts and he was fairly new. Right? Maybe it wasn't my fault. Either way, he was devastated and I didn't know what to do.  I wanted to ask him half a million questions but there was no way that was going to happen.  I would have to wait until he offered me more tidbits, more pieces to the puzzle.

Should I leave him alone?  He said he needed sleep and alone was definitely the way he preferred to do that.  If I had to guess, he hadn't slept at all last night.  I didn't want to just leave the oh, but I hadn't been invited to stay.  Why couldn't this have happened after we were moved in together and I knew what to do?  I had to ask, there was no way around it.  His door wasn't closed so I stood in the doorway.  "Sir?"  I asked quietly.

"I'm sorry I interrupted your morning."  That hadn't been the answer I was expecting.

"You didn't Sir, I have time.  I just didn't know if you wanted me to sing a little bit more or if you wanted me to go."

He faltered, stuttering before he finally spit out a sentence.  It was so unlike him.  "I don't want to talk, I can't tell you anymore.  But if you want to sing until I'm asleep, maybe it would help."

I was more than happy to do that and I started softly.  "There was a boy, a very strange enchanted boy..."

"No, no.  Come lie with me.  Backs, like always."

I knew exactly what he meant and curled onto my side away from him.  I left a little gap, deciding that he could close it if he wished, before continuing. "They say he wandered very far, very far, over land and sea.  A little shy and sad of eye but very wise was he.  And then one day, a magic day, he passed my way... and while we spoke of many things, fools and kings, this he said to me; ' the greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return'."  When I paused, he pushed back against me, warm and strong and I sang the chorus again. 

I sang for at least half an hour, until my throat was dry and I was fairly sure he was asleep.  I didn't want to get out of the warm bed but I did, as carefully as possible.  I pulled the door closed behind me until it almost latched, then went into the kitchen and got myself a drink before cleaning up the dishes.  He needed hours and hours of sleep and hopefully he would get it. 

The only way I was able to convince myself to leave was that I thought he might actually want or need me again tonight.  I needed to shower and shave and maybe I would pick up a rotisserie chicken just in case.  I left him a note on the kitchen counter and forced myself to give him the time and space he probably needed to digest what happened.

I knew I would work myself into a frenzy if I let myself think about it too much so I forced myself to unpack, take things to the dry cleaners, make myself a decent lunch and clean the bathroom and kitchen.  Throughout the day I wondered all sorts of things: what if he didn't see the note in the kitchen?  I probably should've left on the bed.  What if he needed me but thought I was busy?  Had I been clear enough? Probably not.  If I didn't hear from him should I show up tomorrow night as scheduled?

I was texting Ollie when he called.  "Hello Sir."

"Pet.  Do you have plans for tonight?"

No, no I didn't.  I would like some but I wondered what he was up for.  "I don't, Sir.  Is there anything I can do for you?"

"Last time we spoke you had requested a longer weekend.  I am now able to do so if you would like to begin this evening."

"Of course I'd love to be yours Sir.  It's just, are you feeling all right?"

"You have been longing to give up control and I'm suddenly in need of quite a bit of it.  If you're concerned about my mental state, it won't affect our play but we can wait until tomorrow if you desire and you will not be penalized for that."

I didn't want to admit it to him or even myself but I was a little bit concerned.  Still, I trusted him and honestly, when he was upset he tended to go easier on me.  It would be fine.  "What time?"  I eked out.

"Eight.  The collar will be on the bed.  As we discussed, whether or not you choose to wear it is your decision.  I will adjust the plan accordingly.  8 o'clock Pet, naked, lubed, waiting.  I received your bloodwork and will email you mine now.  I'm looking forward to tonight."

My throat didn't want to swallow but I forced it to.  I had been looking forward to this for what felt like months.  "I am too Sir, very, very much." I got to be completely his again. It felt more intimate and I was desperate for any I could get.

"Good boy."

*** The song is Nature Boy

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