Chapter: 7

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*Not Edited*

This song go totally with this sexy chapter.

****Sex Scenes in this chapter****

Enjoy!!!! 😊

He drove out of the city. Into country area. Then we drove through a dirt road. I held Jax really tight around him. Seeing all the nature that surrounds us. The fresh smell of the air. Jax turns off to the right into the trail from the road. I gave him a tight squeeze as we slow down.

"We are almost there sweet thing." Jaxson assure me.

I don't know how long we were on that tail for but I heard the sounds of water. I turn my head towards the sounds and it was a beautiful water fall. I fell in love with the sight I'm seeing. I kept staring at the view until Jaxson park his motorcycle. He helped me off first then himself. I passed him the helmet which he put it on the seat.

"Are you sure you're bike will be safe here?" I didn't want his expensive motorcycle to get stolen while we swim.

"No, nobody comes out here unless my friends and there spouses. It's private property, so we're good."

"What do mean it's private property? Won't we get in trouble for being here?" When he private property, my went big. I didn't want to go to jail and have my parents bail me out.

"No sweet thing. My good friend owns this property so don't worry about a thing. Just have fun."

"Okay." I nodded my head at him.

"Follow me." Saying with a smirk on his face. He must be planning something dirty for us to do.

I was right behind him as he was leading the way. With his long legs and my short ones, I was keeping up. We came up to a very large lot with picnic tables scattered around. Jaxson choose the one that was closes to the water. I put my bag down and open to pull out my white bikini and towel. I see that there was no where to change into my bikini unless I change here in front of him or in the bushes.

"Don't be shy to change here. It's just the two of us." He says to me as gets undressed.

Me and him.

I got undress and put my clothes in the bag. I can sense Jaxson's eyes are on me. Grabbing my bikini and put it on slowly. Taking my time.

"If you keep going at a snails pace sweet thing. I could bend over the picnic table and fuck you hard." He whispered into my ear, sending chills down my spine.

He walk away from me. I didn't even hear him come up behind. I guess I was too busy dressing slow.

I quickly put on my bikini on. Turn around to see Jaxson already in the lake. Standing in front of the water. I quickly dip my foot in water to feel the temperature of lake. It was cool but nice.

"Better hurry up, sweet thing. I'll come out and grab you." He says out loud for me to hear.

"Okay, just let me get used to water first." I said to Jaxson, hopefully he'll let me take my time going in.

I walk in so the water was under my knees. It was cool and my skin was full of goosebumps. I see that Jaxson was still in the same spot watching me.

His Sweet Thing (+18)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ