Chapter 9

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***Not Edited***

💦💦A very steaming part this chapter. Beware! Mature readers!💦💦

Enjoy! 🙂

So the next morning. Jax came by to surprise me while I was eating my egg bacon sandwich. My dad was walking behind him.

"Well have a good day you two." My dad says as he left the room.

"We will dad." Saying it out loud.

Hugging Jax from the side. Then helping himself to a cup of coffee.

"How was your night?"I ask him nicely knowing how naughty I was.

"A lot of cold showers but since I'm here. Your mine." Kiss the side of my head.

"Can't wait but first I need to laid down for a bit." Couldn't sleep last night at all. The nightmares keep coming and coming.

I'm noticing dark circles underneath my eyes. So, so tired.

"I'm fine with that."

Once I was done eating my breakfast, we went up to my old room. Jax laid down first then putting myself beside him. My head was laying on his chest. I turn the tv on and handed the remote to him.

The sounds of his heart beating was making my body relax. My eyes got heavier and heavier.


This dream was different.

My body felt sore and heavy. I found myself in a dark cold room with no light.

"I've got you now and no ones here to save you." A dark voice said. But I couldn't tell where in the room.

My heart started beating faster.

"Who are you?" I whispered.

"I'm the monster of your nightmares .....Laella." He whispered my name into my ear.

"Show yourself." I demanded out loud.

The door open and the light was so bright that I had to squint my eyes to adjust. A dark shadow stands in the middle of the doorway. It walked closer and closer to me.

"Miss me." That voice haunts me.

"Trigger." I whispered scaredy.


She fell asleep pretty quick. I've been noticing that she's been very tired lately but I'm not sure why? I'm afraid to ask the wrong questions.

I spotted one of my favourite movies Fast and Furious 7.

About twenty minutes into the movie. I heard Laella wincing in pain. Looking down at her, she squeezed her eyes shut. The releasing.

I grab the blanket to cover us. Giving her a gentle tight side hug. Laella was mumbling words that I couldn't make out.

"No." She lightly whispered for me to hear. I began rubbing her arm , trying to clam Laella down. I think she's having a nightmare.

"Don't." She says again.

"Stop." Laella said a little bit louder.

"Baby, wake up." Shaking her shoulders a bit. Trying to wake her up.

Then she was sobbing. Tears coming out but her eyes are not opening up. Her body was tense.

"Nooooo." She scream really loud. Sobbing still. Unwrapping my arm around her

His Sweet Thing (+18)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang