Making frenemies

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"Adam." I DIDN'T MEAN TO SAY THAT!!!!!!!!!!! But now it was done and I couldn't take it back. Adam got out of his chair and I slowly walked down the steps to him. When he hugged me, he whispered in my ear

"I'm glad you wanted to be on my team, but I can tell you don't like me, and quite frankly, I don't like you either." I couldn't help but smirk.

" Fine. I wouldn't really care if you loved me, cuz I hate you."

He smiled for the camera and so did I. Then I walked backstage and joined my family and friends in celebration.

When we were leaving, a girl around my age came up to me and said hello.

"Hey. You auditioned before me right?"

She said yes. Her name was Lily and she said she was on Adam's team too. She said we had to come back here at 7:30 tonight to come and meet the rest of the team. I have her my phone Number and told her to text me when she was leaving so I could pick her up. " Thanks. Here is my number so I don't text you from an unknown number." She wrote her number on my hand and smiled. " Bye Alyssa."

I waved.

I had just made a new enemy and a new friend, in the short time if 15 minutes. New record for me.

Feel this Moment- Adam LevineWhere stories live. Discover now