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Nina's POV

I woke up, my head still spinning with disbelief. I had sealed a deal, only yesterday, to shoot the man that I must admit I still loved. It didn't matter, what is done is done I told myself. I went through my morning routine of checking my phone and then laptop, and was surprised at a new text from a mystery number. 'R u still sure u want to do this?'

I replied, ' What, who is this? Do what?'

'It's Jake. You ordered a hit on the singer, Adam Levine?'

My heart thrummed quickly in my chest. I couldn't believe that he was giving me a chance to call off the hit on Adam. But then I realized that he had my number, which I didn't give him, and he could hurt me. I took a deep breath and replied:

'Yeah, we are still on for the hit, but do you want to meet up again to talk logistics? How did you get this number anyway?'

'You gave it to me. Outside that bar in fifteen?'


Jake's POV

I straightened my shirt, slid on some shoes, and walked out to meet Nina. She obviously thought I was some sort of hit man, but I was just a big guy with a gun. What had I agreed to? Maybe I could miss him by a little, but that would be lying, and my army training taught me to be honorable and truthful.

She walked up to me and said, "I changed my mind, do you think you could kill him?"

Whoa. A shot in the foot was one thing but KILLING him? But I, being myself stuttered out, "O-ok."

"Thanks, Jake."

When I got home and put my iPod on shuffle, naturally the first song was "Won't Go Home Without You." By Maroon 5. How could I do this? The guy was a great singer, plus, he seemed nice. I almost called Nina back, but I could hardly back out now. She had fulfilled her half of the agreement, I resigned myself to my fate and went to the shooting range to practice.

Feel this Moment- Adam LevineWhere stories live. Discover now