0.5 - PIZZA

75 13 14

Dedicated to: thecalumseyes


Ps: first comment gets a dedication next chapter. ENJOY 💜


I woke up on the couch flat on my belly while hugging a pillow. I sat up while holding my head.

Then I saw Ashton coming down and smiled at me. "Good morning." Ashton said nicely.
"W-what happened...?" I asked trying not to move for my head ache.

Ashton's smile faded and he went to the kitchen then came back with a cup of water and a pail. "Nothing important really  happened." Ashton said.

Soon Michael came downstairs and we attacked him in a group hug.
"Happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday!"

Micheal giggled. "Thank you guys." Michael smiled.

"Come on we gotta celebrate!" Ashton said. "Where's calum?" Michael asked.

"He spent the night at arzaylea's, I already called him and he said he's gonna come back in 5."

My belly twitched at what I heard, suddenly I felt like throwing up, I don't know if it was cause they mentioned her name or because of my hangover.

I ran to the closest toilet and threw up in it. Then I felt some rubbing my back. When I was done I looked up to see Michael smiling down at me holding a glass of water.

I just love my friends, they're always there when I need them.

I smiled and said thanks before grabbing the cup then rincing mouth. I washed my teeth then decided to take a shower.

I took off all my clothes then locked the door before stepping in.

I turned on the water and put it in a warm state then wet my body. Suddenly the memories from last night came flooding back.

I made calum a Hickey and was about to give him a blow job. But then he called me faggot and he yelled at me then slapped me.

Tears started running down my cheeks at the memories. Im do fucking stupid.


I walked in the house and saw mikey on the couch. I decided to jump and him and hug him. "HAPPY birthday mikey I love you." I said hugging him.

"I love you too Cal, thanks." Michael awnsered. "Cal you ready to go?" Ashton asked. I nodded.
I got ready in arzaylea's house.

"Uh, where's l-luke?" I asked. "He's getting ready."

I nodded sadly as guilt took over me. Luke walked down stairs. I don't know why but, he looked cuter then other times I have seen him. 

His cute blonde quiff and nirvana shirt. I love how he always wears a flower crown. How haven't I noticed how adorble he looks?

"Ok let's go!" Ashton said. We all walked out into the car.

"Where are we going? Where are we going? Where are we going?" Michael asked excitedly.

"Somewhere." Ashton said as he drove. Ashton and Michael were at front so me and Luke were at the back alone.

"Luke?" I asked softly looking at him. Luke bit his lip and decided to ignore me, but really, I dont blame him...

"Luke I'm so so so sorry, o didn't mean to call you those things or to slap you, I understand you were drunk and we're both straight so it didn't mean anything to both of us." I said trying to get my best friend back.

But Luke still ignored me.

"Luke please, I need you to be my Best friend again. Please..."  I tried.

He didn't say anything. He just looked down as his teeth played with his lip ring. That's a nervous habit of him.
"Luke, please...?"

Suddenly blue eyes met my brown ones. He then smiled and nodded.

"Let's hug it out?" I asked. He nodded and we moved in closer then hugged. He rested his head on my shoulder and stayed there.

I noticed he got comfortable so I didn't move and just smelled in his sent. He smelled good.
When we got to Michael's faveorite pizza place, we pulled back and smiled.
"Thanks lukey." I said. He smiled and stepped out of the car.

"Awwwe you guys are awesome." Michael said. "You're awesome." Ashton said then hugged Michael. They stayed hugging for like 5 whole minutes with Michael's face hidden in Ashton's neck.

I looked over at Luke and he was awkwardly standing there. "Dude, you're starting." Ashton whispered to me.

I blushed and looked down. What the hell is happening to me today?

Luke cleared his throat Ashton and Michael pulled away blush covering their cheeks.

Something is totally going on there.

We walked in the restaurant and sat at a table then the waitress came. "May I take your order?"

"Yea, Michael what do you want the pizza with?" Luke asked.

"A big pizza with everything." He told the waitress. (A/N: This is literally me. No shame.)


Ashton asked for a soda, Michael for a beer and Luke and I for a coffee.

"Names?" She asked me and Luke.

"Calum and Luke." I said gesturing.

The waitress smiled then went.
She soon brought the food and the drinks. She placed the pizza down in front of us and it had candles around it and pepperonies were spelling 'Happy 16th Birthday Michael.' (A/N: my imagination is screwed up ok?)

Michael smiled. "Thank you guys." He said. The waitress then placed our drinks and she gave me one coffee that said cake and Luke had one that said hoodings.

I smiled and didn't say anything about it. I picked up a guitar (A/N: Don't ask where the guitar came from.) and we started singing the happy birthday song.

We soon finished singing. "Blow the candles!"
He blew the candles and then we ended up in a group hug.
"Happy birthday mikey."
(A/N: Friend/band goals)


This is the longest chapter I have ever written in my life :). And honestly I'm proud of it 💜
First comment gets a dedication next chapter!

Thank-you guys for commenting and for voting

I love you all. Xoxoxoxo

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