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Alie's POV

I walked into the apartment and the smell of weed and stale pizza filled my nose. 

"Sam, get your fucking pizza off me!"

"Get your body out of under my pizza!"

I heard guys laughing and I turned the corner to be faced with Nate and Sam, sitting on the couch. I remember them from when I toured with Cameron. Yes, Dallas. Cameron and I dated for 6 years before one day he broke up with me for some reason. I don't even know why. But I was heartbroken. I didn't do anything for months and when I did, it was cleaning the blood from my arms or getting up to puke up the dinner my mom made me eat. A part of me thinks Cam did it so that he could sleep with other girls, but he said he still loves me so I don't think that's it. 

"Hey, look who it is."

I was knocked out of my thoughts by Sam and Nate staring straight at me with wide eyes. 

"Hey. I haven't seen you guys in a while."

I awkwardly sat down on the couch next to the guys and tried to make small talk.

"Yeah. We're waiting for Gilinsky and Johnson. They went to the store really quick. How have you been?"

I nodded and sighed. 

"I'm good. How are you guys? With the music and all?"

Nate laughed and smiled, making his dimples show.

"It's good. Jack hasn't told you anything?"

"I just moved in today. This morning actually. I haven't really seen him today."

They nodded and the front door opened, Jack and Johnson making their way to the couch across from me, obviously not knowing I was here yet.

"I think you just need to tell her, G. She needs to know what you did to make him do that."

Johnson looked at me and turned a bright red. 

"Hi, Alie. How are you?"

I smiled and stood up from the couch, making my way to my room when I felt a large hand grab mine and pull me to face them. 

"What's wrong, Alie?"

I looked up and Jack's chocolate brown eyes pierced into mine and I melted. It felt weird but in a really good way. I shook my head and Jack pleaded for an answer. 


He shook his head and wiped the tear from under my eye. He sighed and dragged my the rest of the way into my room, leaving the rest of the guys sitting on the couch. 

Jack's POV

Alie was pissed at me this morning. I think she realized it was me. I shouldn't have broken her and Cameron up. They needed each other and I ruined it. I felt like an ass the whole time I was doing it but I couldn't stop for some reason. I was already dating Madison at the time, but couldn't stop when I saw Alie. I should've just left Madison for Alie, but then when I broke up with Madison to ask Alie out, Cameron already asked her. I was shocked she said yes. I did the only thing I thought would work; I recorded all the times he cheated on her. Alie loved him and I fucked it up so I could be with her. I could tell she was hurt but she needed to know the truth. I have been friends with Cameron since 6th grade and he's been a player ever since. When Cameron, Alie and I stopped being friends because of it, I turned into the fuck boy, screwing a new girl every night, not giving a fuck about anything anymore. Johnson, Nate and Sam tried to help me through it but it didn't work. I kept doing the same thing over and over. 

"So why did you drag me in here?"

"I want to talk about Cameron."

She looked down and played with her white shoelaces. 

"You can leave, Jack. I don't want to talk about him."

"I did it."

"Did what?"

She looked up and had a cute, innocent look on her face. Her lips looked so kissable right now, her red lip stick making her lips look soft. 

"I broke you two up."

She laughed.

"You're so funny, Jack."

"I'm serious, Alie."

She looked up at me and I could see more tears forming in her eyes. 

"Why? I was happy."

"But I knew you weren't going to be when you found out."

"Well no shit dumb ass. Obviously I'm not going to be happy but I would have at least wanted to hear it from him and not one of his friends."

"I thought it would be easier to hear it from me."

"Well it wasn't. I cried for months, Jack. You broke my heart and I wasn't even dating you."

I sighed and she scoffed, standing up. 

"Get out." 

"Why? I haven't done anything wrong."

"Get out!"

I looked at her again and she sighed, looking at the ground, obviously waiting for me to leave.  I stood up and walked out, slamming the door. She needed to know. 


Hey guys! I know it feels like I haven't updated in forever and that's probably true. I have just been really busy lately and yeah. I love you guys!!! BYE POTATOES!!!! 

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