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Jack's POV

X Two Weeks Later X

Alie has been trying her best to ignore me, and it's been working. I've tried talking to her but she just keeps finishing up the work she's doing or walks away to her room. 

"You can't ignore me forever, Alie."


"Please, Alie. Talk to me?"


"Why are you doing this?"

"God damn it, Jack! Shut the fuck up!"

She stood up from the couch and stormed into her room, slamming the door and locking it. I sighed and looked at my phone. 

Two Missed Calls from: Sam

Six Unread Messages from: Nicole

I sighed and locked my phone. 

Alie's POV

Sam texted me telling me there was a party tonight and so I decided to go. I put on a pink long sleeved crop top and black shorts. I curled my hair and brushed through it to make it wavy. I slipped on my Adidas and put my phone in my back pocket, walking out of my room. Jack and Sam were sitting on the couch and immediately looked at me when I shut the door. 

"Hey Alie."

I'm still ignoring Jack. I have no reason to talk to him.

"Are you still going to the party?"

Sam smiled and I nodded. 

"Drive me?"

Sam stood up and finished the drink in his cup, tilting it all the way back, before walking over to me. Jack shot up out of his seat and walked over to me, grabbing my wrist.

"Alie, please stay here."

"Let go of me."


"Jack, let go of me."

He looked into my eyes and I looked down. 

"At least take a jacket. It's going to be cold tonight."


"Please Alie?"

I reluctantly wrapped my fingers around the fabric of his jacket and he smiled at me. He looked at me eyes and then lips and I thought he was going to kiss me but he coughed and looked away. 

"Sam take care of her!"

Sam smiled and walked outside the door. 

Jack smiled but I could tell he was hurt. I have no idea why though. He has no reason to be hurt. And neither do I. 

Sam's POV

I locked the car and slung my arm over Alie's shoulder, kissing her forehead. 


She hummed in response.

"Ah, it feels good to hear that."

"Hear what?"

"You answer to me calling you baby. Just don't answer to anyone else and I'll be happy."

We walked into the house and Alie whispered in my ear.

"I could make you happy."

She walked away and I smiled, chasing after her. 

Jack's POV

I knew there was something going on between Sam and Alie, but I didn't want to say anything. I needed to go to that party. I grabbed my keys and phone, walking outside to my car. I pulled up to the house and could already smell the weed, alcohol and sweat coming from inside. Sam always has parties going on. It's whether you decide to go or not. The party was the same as usual; people having sex in different rooms of the house, underage students drinking, and weed smoke coming from the same corner of the house as always. I walked in the kitchen to get a drink before attempting to find Alie. This is her third party this week and it's only Thursday. She has to starts classes in two weeks and is no where near prepared for it. I grabbed a drink from the counter and drank it, soon finding the burning sensation in the back of my throat. I clenched my jaw and set the cup down, walking upstairs and into Sam's room.

"She fucking hates me."

I sat down in his desk chair and ran my fingers through my hair, hearing the door open. I looked up and saw Alie and Sam come into the room, making out. I stood up as they sat down and walked out of the room, letting them continue to give each other STD's. 

Alie's POV

Sam and I stumbled into his room, making out. I sat down on the bed and heard the door close. Sam pulled away and looked at the door before continuing to kiss me. Sam and I have only been dating a week and a half. I know it's a short amount of time to be having sex but I trust him. But then again, I trusted Jack. I loved Jack. He was like a brother to me. Then Cameron and I broke up and I slowly started to push EVERYONE away, even Jack. I looked up at Sam and smiled, kissing him again. He pulled up my top and unbuttoned his jeans, pulling down them down his legs. He started kissing my neck and left hickeys everywhere, that I know I can't hide. I moaned every time he made a new mark on me. The door opened and I pulled Sam's comforter over me. Sam stood up and pushed the guy out of the room. He shut the door and locked it, walking back to me and smiling. He started kissing my neck again, but my phone interrupted him. I groaned and picked up my phone. 

"It's Jack. He's said it's important."

Sam sighed and sat down, pulling his jeans over his legs. I sighed and pulled my top over my body, slipping on Jack's jacket to cover everything Sam did. I kissed Sam again and walked downstairs, grabbing a water on the way out of the door. 

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