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Alie's POV 

Okay, okay, let me explain. I only did that in the heat of the moment. I know I should've kissed him, but I did. And I feel horrible. I need to tell Sam about this. 

"Hey, baby, you okay?"

I looked up at Sam and smiled, kissing him. This felt wrong. I just kissed Jack and now, I'm kissing Sam. I pulled away and smiled again.

"I'm great."

He smiled and kissed my forehead, before looking back at Nate and talking to him. I looked over my shoulder and saw Jack talking to Johnson before looking at me and sighing. 

"I'm going to go talk to Jack. I'll be back."

I looked up at Sam and he smiled and taking his arm off my shoulder, letting me walk over to the Jack's. Johnson looked up at me and walked over to Sam and Nate,  letting Jack and I talk.


Jack sighed again and shoved his hands in his pockets.

"I'm sorry I did that. I kissed you and you kissed me, and I definitely know I shouldn't have."

I looked over to Sam. He looked happy. When I first starting dating Sam, he seemed miserable. Then he started opening up the first couple days we were together and it felt great. He was happy, I was happy, we were happy. We still are, but I cheated on him and I feel like shit. Since the FIRST kiss, I get this sick feeling when I see him. I don't think he knows about anything between Jack and I, but why should he? There is nothing going on between us. Right?


I looked over and Nate nodded his head toward the arcade. 

"Let's go!"

I shoved my hands in my jacket and looked at Jack again before walking off to Sam and Nate, Sam wrapping his arm around me. 

Jack's POV

"You need to tell him. Sam already knows you guys kissed once, what is once more going to hurt?"

"J! It's going to hurt everything! Alie really likes him and I don't want to ruin that for her. I want to see her happy and if she's happy with Sam, which she is, then I'm not ruining that."

"Okay, but I still think you need to tell him."

"Tell who what?"

I looked up and saw Alie sitting down at the table, drinking a coffee from the cafe here. 

"J, wants us to tell Sam. About everything."

"I already did."

I looked up at her and my face dropped.

"What do you mean you told him, Alie?"

"I told him."



"Why Alie? He is one of my best friends. Why did you do that?"

"Why does it matter?  It's over with. Sam and I are over with. You and I are over with. Just drop it!"

She slammed her cup on the table and stormed off.

"Damn, G, you fucked up."


Sam's POV

I knew Alie was cheating on me the whole time. I saw the way he looked at her. Alie says she hates him, but I know she has feelings for him. She always has.

"Sam? Can I talk to you?"

I looked up and saw Alie fidgeting with the strings on her hoodie.

"Okay, sure."

She sat down almost immediately and mumbled words I couldn't understand.


"Please don't make me repeat it."

"No, I didn't hear you."


"You know I hate that, Alie. What did you say? "

She sighed and sunk back in her chair.

"I think I love you."

"When did you think of that?"

"Well, I've been thinking about it a lot and today really made it become clear."

"If you love me, like you said you do, why would you cheat? "

"The first time we kissed, I didn't kiss him first; he kissed me. The second time was me, but I wanted to stop; Jack held me down. I still want to be with you Sam. I do."

He smiled and leaned in, about to kiss me. 

"Too bad you have Jack."

He stood up and walked away. 

Alie's POV

I wanted to cry. He didn't take me back. I want him back, I really do. But for some reason, I keep going back to my roommate.

Jack's POV

I walked into the apartment, Johnson following close behind. I looked at Alie sleeping on the couch and laughed. 

"Johnson, I love her."

"I know you do, G."

"No, I love her. I'm going to marry her one day. And you'll be my best man and the theme color will be red and Alie is going to wear her white dress and look gorgeous, like always."

"You love her, a lot."

"She's my whole world."

"Shh, she's waking up."

I looked at her and she stretched, looking at me. 

"When did you guys get back?"

"A couple minutes ago. How are you feeling?"

She nodded and smiled, giving me a signal that she was fine.

"Well, I'm leaving." 

"Johnson! Okay then. How are you really feeling?"

"How do you think? Sam and I broke up, you definitely don't want to be with me, Cameron just came back and my dad is in the hospital."

"What? Why?"

"My dad? They found another tumor." 

I had already known about Alie's dad and what he's gone through, but I thought it stopped. 

"We're leaving. Let's go."


"We're going to go see your dad."

I walked into her room and pulled out her suitcase and shoving some clothes and necessities into it. 

"Alie, when did you find out?"

"Yesterday. But I didn't want to worry you so I kept it a secret."

I sighed and sat down next to her. 

"I will always worry about you, but you don't have to keep secrets from me."

Without thinking, I kissed her, cupping her cheek and pulling her closer. She kissed back and placed her hands on either of my face. I moved away from her mouth and to her neck, making hickeys. I tugged on her shirt but she pushed me away, leaving me confused. 

"Sorry, I can't do this."

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