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Alie's POV

(X 1 Week Later X)

"Jack, put me down!"

He picked me up over his shoulder and ran through the airport, looking for Justin, my brother. He was coming to stay for a few days. Jack is against the idea because he "wants me all to himself". Don't get me wrong, I love him to death, but Justin's my brother. 

"Jack, he's here."

Jack put me down and I gave him back his hoodie. Justin doesn't know we're dating, so we can't act like a couple while he's here. The reason why Jack doesn't want him to stay with us. 



He engulfed me in a hug and lifted me off the ground, spinning me. He set me down and smiled.

"I missed you so much."

I looked at Jack and smiled, breathing heavily. What the hell do I say to him? 

Hey, Justin, this is my boyfriend Jack and we've fucked 2 times this week. 

I cleared my throat and smiled, again. 

"Um, Justin, I want you to meet my,"

I looked at Jack, who looked like he is about to throw up.

"This is my boyfriend. His name is Jack and I love him."

"Alie, what are you - "

I looked up at Justin and he smiled.

"Mom told me you told me you had boyfriend already, but she said his name was Sam."

I felt like crying at the sound of his name. All the memories just came flowing back and now they won't stop. Jack wrapped his arms around me but I pushed it off and sighed. 

"Um, I need some air. I'll be in the car."

I walked away and wiped a tear that had rolled down my cheek.

Jack's POV

"Sorry, she had some experiences with Sam and she's not over them yet." 

"Do I need to worry about them?"

"No, I took care of them."

We got in the car and Alie looked at me, mouthing that she's sorry.

"You have no reason to be sorry, Alie."

She kissed my cheek and started driving to the apartment.

"I have two classes in the morning, Justin, so Jack will show you around."

He nodded and smiled. 

"Your room's here. If you need anything, you have my number and Jack room is down the hall. We have to go see some friends, but, um, make yourself at home. I love you."

 Alie hugged him again and grabbed her phone, keys and wallet, walking out the door. 


She looked at me and sighed.

"I can't keep doing doing this Jack. It's all I ever think about anymore."

I stepped towards her, cupping her cheek. 

"I'm sorry."

She kissed me and the front door opened. 

"Alie, mom called. It's for you."

She looked at Justin and smiled, shaking her head. 

"Tell her I'm busy."

She grabbed my hand and pulled me down the hall and out the front doors.

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