Chapter 11

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I made my way to the couch, balled up in the corner and cried like a baby. I was almost completely alone, my grandma gone and now Michelle almost dead from a overdose. I stayed in that spot for so long thinking "where I would of been if she passed away for real". I fell asleep but was woke when somebody came knocking at the door. I hopped up looking at the time and it was a whole different day.

"Who is it" I said in a raspy voice
"It's Mrs. Green, Marshay is everything ok over here cause I seen the ambulance over here yesterday....I stopped by shortly after but didn't get a answer....what's going on" she said from the other side of the door. I worked up enough strength to get off the couch to get the door but before I could get to it she knocked again I opened the door and headed back to the same spot I had seemed to have been in for awhile.

"Marshay are you ok" she said after I opened the door. I stopped in my tracks then made my way back to the couch.

"No!!!! I'm not mama just overdosed last night and almost died" I lashed out at her as I balled back up in the corner again. She came over and sat down next to me giving me a hug and rubbing back.

"She could of died Mrs.Green" I said confused and with tears running down my face

"Well I know it wouldn't have been easy for you but I'm here for you, me and your grandmother was close and I know of the shoes was on the other foot she would do the same for Malcome... now you gone on and get yourself together so we can get to this hospital and see how she doing".

I got my stuff together and May her at her car. The ride to the hospital was silent beside the voices on the radio....I just looked out the window wondering "how it would of been if I had a father to run to at a time like this" but that was just wishful thinking. I sometimes sit back and think about how he look, what he sound like, do he have other kids, why did he forget all about me, was I not good enough.

"Marshay we're here Mrs. Green said shaking me out of my thoughts.
"Ok" I said as I unbuckled my seatbelt. The closer I got to the door my heart started to race.

"Hi I'm hear to talk to someone about my mother Michelle Beam she was brought here yesterday"

"Name please" she said chewing on her gum like a horse

"Michelle Beam" I said again getting mad at the way she chewing her gum and the fact I said her name already. She typed something in the computer that was in front of her then told me I could "have a seat in the waiting area somebody will be with me"

  I waited for 15 minutes before heard "family of Michelle Beam" being called out by this short doctor. I rose from my seat and approached him. "Hi I'm her daughter, I'm the one who found she ok?

"Come with me" he said pointing towards some big double doors.

"Ok" we both said while getting up and following him.

"Well we did some blood test on your mom and detected that she had a overdose due to heroine, she had high amounts in her system which caused her heart to stop beating....luckily you got her to a hospital in time cause she could of died"

It wasn't a shock to me that that was the cause but Mrs. Green on the other hand couldn't believe her ears and I guess the unsurprised look on my face told her that it was true. For years I have dealt with this and no one knew what I was going through but Michelle and Skull cause they where the ones doing harm to me.

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