Alexander x Reader - Who Are You? (1)

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Ah I just realized this is just another Ham x Reader so ill write this chapter and then take a break form this plot kay? kay. <3

Alexander was walking down the street of his lovely town when we decided he'd take a break and get a drink from the bar. From the moment he walked in, he'd noticed a group of 3 men and one woman. They were- rapping? What frivolous behavior! This was not suitable behavior in Alex's opinion at first, but he then let loose a little.  A little bit before his walk around town, he had met Aaron Burr, fellow companion and orphan. Talk less, he thought over and over again, talk less.

Alexander went closer to the group of, what he assumed to be, friends to get a listen. The girl was beat-boxing, and doing a fairly good job. A man named John, was what he said, began rapping. He was followed by his other friends. By the time they seemed to be done rapping, they were sitting on the counter-top.

"Pardon me," Alex said to the woman. But she didn't move. She just looked at him, confused.

"Who are you?" The John man asked, and all of his friends whispered 'yeah's and 'mhm's.

"Excuse me for not introducing myself earlier. Alexander Hamilton. And yourselves?"

"Hercules Mulligan. Pleasure."

"John Laurens. Just call me Laurens."

"Marie-Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de Lafayette, good sir, but feel free to just say Lafayette!"

"And I'm Y/N." Alex blushed at the sight of this woman. She was quite pretty.

"The pleasure is all mine." He said. Y/N swiftly hopped off the counter and over to her friend John. They started laughing about something that was out of Alexander's range of close-listening. Alex watched as her long, H/C hair flowed down her back, almost to her back-bone. Her smile was contagious. She was beautiful.

But there was no possible way she wasn't dating one of these guys! They're all so close. Maybe she does like one of them. Maybe they're actual family- no, they seem too mixed to all be related.

It's 1:35 AM rn. I rly tired so I'm leaving this in a random spot and updating this when its about time for another ham x reader story

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