Lams (1)

666 11 7

Modern College AU


John's POV
I woke up and immediately cursed myself. I looked around groggily and checked my clock. 9:00 AM. Great, that gives me fifteen minutes to clean my dorm before my new roommate is supposedly showing up. He's supposed to be extremely smart, so maybe he'll have some pity. Okay, that didn't make any sense, but whatever. I can't be thinking about that right now.

As I was lost in my thoughts, I lost 2 minutes of cleaning time. I'm taking the time too literally, but I'd rather play it safe. I snapped back to reality (AN: OH THERE GOES GRAVITY) as I began cleaning my room. A minute or so after I finished, I checked the time. Right as the clock changed to 9:15, I heard a knock.

I guess I'm not the only one who takes time too literally.

I opened the door to reveal a boy with a duffel bag. He had a small frame, dark eyes, and a dark ponytail. He had a slight goatee as well. He looked up at me and smiled. He said nothing for a second, just smiled.
As he did this I noticed the huge dark circles his eyes had.

"H- hi. I'm John Laurens."

"Alexander Hamilton. Pleasure." He responded. I let him in and showed him his bed, desk, and where the bathroom was.
As he put his bag down I studied his face a bit better. He was... pretty cute.


My dad never accepted the fact that I was gay. I've tried to block it out, but I can't help the fact that that's who I am. Now that I'm away from him I can be who I've always wished I could be without being judged by my own family.


"So, what are you into?" Alexander asked.

"Guys. Oh- shit. I didn't mean to say that..." I responded. What's wrong with me? Alex is probably freaked out now.

"It's cool, John. No need to worry," Alex said with a warm smile.

"Oh. Okay, thanks." Alex went to the bathroom and I immediately got bored. To occupy myself, I got up and fed my turtle, Steven. Once I fed Steven I got him from out of his tank and put him on my lap. Alex walked out of the bathroom and his eyes widened. He screamed his head off and rushed to his bed and under the covers.

"What is that?" He asked from behind his... barrier.

"It's a turtle. Steven, is his name, might I add."

Once I explained the situation I could see Alex's body relax from the under the sheets.

"...oh." He got out from the covers and I noticed a slight blush on his cheeks as he composed himself.

"Well, I'm going to go to the library, do you wanna come?" I asked, while getting up to put Steven back into the tank.

"I think I'll stay here for now. I want to start on some of my work," Alexander responded. He got up and logged into his laptop, and quickly began jotting down endless notes. As I left I said goodbye, but Alexander was already so fixated on his work he didn't say anything. As I left I thought about earlier, and how he was probably his trying to make me feel better about what I said when he told me it was 'cool.'


When I got to the library it was about 10:00 AM. I was greeted by the Schuyler sisters, Mulligan, and Lafayette.

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