Chapter 23

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Henry was writing a letter addressed to Evie, explaining to her his sudden choice to move back to India. Ever since he met Evie, he felt that he was constantly in her way and preventing her from finding the shroud. He felt particularly responsible that he had jeopardised the mission by letting himself be kidnapped by the Templars. If he had been more careful, Evie would have found the plans earlier.

He silently cursed to himself, annoyed at how weak he really was. An assassin without the capability to kill. It was pathetic, really.

Henry sighed at the letter, reading over it one last time. He was about to sign his name, when he heard a distressed toot.

I.B burst into the room, flying at top speed. Henry looked up at the robot, confused by its presence and distress.

"I.B, what are you doing here?"

"I have a voice recording from Ruby. She needs your help as quickly as possible!" I.B tooted, as he began playing back the audio recording.

"Henry, I have a strong feeling that you are about to leave us. We really need you. Evie really needs you. The shroud of Eden is more powerful than I ever would have anticipated, and Starrick is already in control of it. If we don't get the piece of Eden now, the Templars, both in the present and future, will win. If not for my sake, please come for Evie."

As the recording finished playing, Henry prepared his weapons.

"Where are they?" he asked I.B, who was still flying around hysterically.

"They are underground at Buckingham Palace. If we hurry, we will be able to help them. Please, I don't want to lose my master!" I.B tooted, a hint of urgency in his metallic voice.

"Ruby has really grown on you, hasn't she?" Henry asked, as he jumped off the train.

"I admit she is more fun than my previous master who is trying to destroy the future."

"We won't let that happen, I promise you," Henry assured the little robot, climbing onto a carriage and racing towards Buckingham palace.


"Hello, Ruby. Miss me?" Boss asked with a wicked grin.

Ruby stepped back, clutching her dagger tightly. The twins were busy fighting Starrick, not paying any attention to her.

"Why are you here?" Ruby asked, preparing herself for a fight.

"To make sure you do what I specifically ordered you to do," Boss began, stepping closer to her.

"I don't recall telling you to join sides with the enemy."

"You are the enemy here. Not me. I have seen and heard enough to prove it," Ruby snapped back, as Starrick threw Evie across the room.

Ruby winced as Evie collided on the wall with a loud thud.

"I overheard you talking to Pearl and I will do everything in my power to stop you from getting the shroud!" Ruby shouted, anger flaring up within her.

Boss laughed loudly, holding his stomach. As he settled down again, he prepared himself to fight.

"Stop me? Well then, Ruby. Let's see how much of your training you remember!" he challenged her, attacking her.

While Boss and Ruby engaged in battle, Jacob and Evie took turns in trying to kill Starrick. Each time they hit him, however, the shroud would heal his wounds within seconds. Each twin was exhausted from being thrown across the room.

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