Chapter 11

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I didn't mean for this to happen, any of this; I just wanted to talk to Suki and figure this all out. I didn't mean for this to happen.
Any of it.



"Katara, fix it. Fix it right now."

I can only feel her pulsing vibrations, the way she is shaking. Sokka is bleeding and unconscious. In her lap, his vibrations limp.

"What happened to him! What did you do? It looks like a boulder was smashed into his head. WHAT. DID. YOU. DO?!?" Kataras yelling voice in my ear makes me crumple. Why am I so guilty it wasn't even me?
"I don't know what happened I got there and Suki was standing over him he was already knocked out when I found him. I pinned her in the ground and came to you.... I don't know what happened"

"AAANNG!"  Katara screams
With that he bolts In quicker than a gust of air.

"What's wron- "
His voice trails off as he sees Sokka on the floor. The water around him being bent is filled with blood. The light shining over his head appears to be dimming.

"I need you to get Suki right now! Take Toph with you."

With that Aang grabs me by the wrist and we bolt off through the corridors.

After a few moments of silence I tell him where she is. And what happened.
He stops and sighs. It was then I noticed he was not the same twinkle toes I had known back when this all had started. Yet then again I was not the same person either.

When we arrived to the spot that I had left Suki she was gone. "How could she have left!? She was bent to her neck up in rock!" I yell to Aang. It looks like she had messily bent her way out. But Suki was not an earth bender, was she?

"I'll take an aerial view and look for her you stay here and scout the ground." Aang firmly says. With that I begin my search I will find her and I will make sure she knows what's coming.

I feel weak;
I'm sitting on a stone out side the cave we lived in when we stopped in the fire nation. I see Katara all dressed in red kicking stones across the water, she seems older maybe ten years older. In comes Aang flying from his staff, he is older as well and has a more grown body shape, almost as if he had grown taller and wider.

He stops just before her and offers her a box. the box is small and the wood carvings are unique. They are that of the avatar. He opens the box and releases a necklace. It has a thick black band and an Aqua colored stone. It was identical to her own that she had always worn, yet it was only slightly different. It had one more swirl on the pattern. This was an engagement.

She smiles and he places the necklace around her neck. They kiss passionately and he lifts her off the ground. With a sudden realization I realize where I am. I'm in the future. No that's stupid, I'm in my own made up future.

Suddenly everything goes dark and I'm unwillingly opening my eyes.
I see the Katara I've always know looking at me with tears in her eyes.
This as good as any time to make a joke.
"Why ya crying? We're out of meat?"

"Shut up Sokka" she laughs through her tears.

"What happened?" I wheeze out.
Man my head hurts

"I was hoping you could tell me"
Katara looks worried.

I suddenly get a crashing headache and everything flows back. Toph, the kiss, and suki. I have to find her. I have to find Toph before she finds out what I did. Before she flips out.

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