Chapter 6

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Toph's POV

What the hell??

What am I doing??

I can't. I won't. I won't do this to Suki

I have to tell him to stop, I can't be around him. He's so ugh!

I walk along a dirt road trying to clear my mind what seems like a few hours pass an I head back to the temple, when I get there Aang wants to gather and talk about the new world after the war and how it can be better.

"Toph, go get Sokka and Suki. I'll get Zuko, Mai, and Katara. Round up around Appa." Aang says to me

Great. I go to the boulder where I left Sokka. He's not there. Where is he?!? He was just here. I sense around the boulder and I feel an unstable presence beneath it. It's no longer where I left it. I enter the boulder and it seems normal until I take a step forwards and fall into a hole. I follow the tunnel with my feet and sense that there's some kind of end. I stumble around. Maybe if I round out the tunnel it'll be easier to walk this tunnel seems roughly done. I smoothed the edges with bending. As I go forwards I sense that the tunnels travel for quite some distance, I get towed the end to realize I'm not alone, and there's a dead-end ahead. What is going on?

Sokka POV

She'll be so proud that I did this all on my own. Now we can do what we want in privacy and no one will know. Our little secret. I can't wait to take her down here.
I hear a swish of bending and I stop in my tracks, wondering who it could be. 

"What in the hell?!?? Sokka?!?!?"

A pebble hits me in the head at a daring speed, it's Toph. Just the person I was looking for.

"What is all this? You know what, I don't want to know, c'mon boomerang boy. Aang is holding a meeting."

I grasp her hand and I feel her blushing, I caress her gentle white cheeks and bring her into a lull kiss. Why not? She pulls away and I push forward bringing her to me I lean against her and push against the wall. If she didn't want this if already be earth bent into hell. Our tongues meet, it's wonderful her hands find my hair, and my hands find her top, God she looked good in green.

She slaps my hands away and pulls away, she says to me quietly

"Let's go, not a word. Ever."

We walk in comfortable silence as we go to meet the others. I may not be able to see but hearing the soft comfortable breathing coming from Sokka is just as nice as a comfortable embrace. Whatever this is between us, however, this plays out, I wouldn't trade this soft moment for the world.  

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