Chapter 13

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Toph POV

I take a sliding start as Aang let's go of my hand. I bend down and place my hands on the ground attempting to feel for Suki somewhere. I feel nothing I continue to run north of where I found Suki and Sokka. I place my hands down once again to feel a slight wave of vibrations. It feels lower rhan normal almost if it is coming from underground.

Well, maybe it is. I keep moving towards the feeling as if gets stronger I debate calling for Aang. But if it really is her I want to face her myself. No one hurts Sokka and gets off with a clean break. She will have to answer for this. Warrior or not I will break her in half. As I move towards that feeling I make a sudden realization. I know where that's coming from. That place is familiar to me but,

How the hell is she in there? How did she find a way in. It would have taken hours to dig her way in there.

It's then I realize, she couldn't have.


Aang POV

I hope Sokka will be alright. I hang gently from glider as I glance below me looking for the Auburn haired girl.

So much for peace I thought to myself. What even happened here. We've been out of a war less than a month and we can't even settle our own squabbles with talking?

I keep looking around half distracted by my own bewilderment when I see it something. A hole on the ground that looks far to deep to have been dug. It's then as I attempt to land that the hole is swallowed by land. I lose its place vaguely, mark a tree with a strike of air making an X. I make my way to the ground and place my head to the floor. Whenever the hole was has now been bent beneath layers of rock. So well it's hard to find. This is an inner edge of the temple it should feel somewhat hollow I know that smooth bending anywhere.


What have you done?

Toph POV

I find the familiar hollow spot I found before, the stowaway room. I bend a hole and plop in, when I land I get my bearings, only to feel another person in the room with me. I know those fluttery vibrations anywhere, Suki stands alone in a corner silent. I assume she is hoping to not be heard. I'm blind after all not stupid. I can feel her there. Since she doesn't know that I use it to my advantage. The room we stand in is small. Bent beneath piles of rock so smooth it looks as though it naturally came that way. There is no room for error here. Something about this doesn't make sense.

Why did she hit Sokka that hard? How could she hit that hard? But the most perplexing of them all was how in the hell did she get out of my trap? Even twinkle toes should have struggled a bit.

With that I debate my next move. Without warning, my body moves before my thoughts can. In less than a moments notice I bent her to the wall, her neck and head peeking from the north wall. It's then I have a sudden realization. I place my hands along the wall waiting for Suki to catch her breath. These walls are not aged one bit. Nothing in here is. I rub my hands along as many surfaces as I can. This was bent into existence recently.

"Who the hell are you? What the hell happened? Start from the beginning" I bark.

Thank you so much for reading! Sorry about the hiatus! I'm I'll be posting more frequently. If you enjoyed this vote for it and have your friends give it a read! Thanks so much!

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