Chapter 15

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Toph's POV 

I'm knocked off my balance for only a moment before I bend a crater into the wall on the left of me, the chunk of the earth I have shatters sending pebbles flying in different directions at an accelerated pace. They hit me a bit of course but it's just enough pressure to knock Suki out of sync revealing where she is. She sends a small rough glob of the ground at me. So she is a bender, how the hell?!? I think to myself.  I deflect, sending a wall of ground in front of me as a barrier. Then I send a boulder flying down from a squatting position. I move my back foot in a semi-circle motion turning my body with it. With this motion, I swing another bounder around with me still in my grasp. Suki comes at me with a quick motion to take out my legs. She hits my back leg but I catch myself and on one leg I sense where she lands. It's then that I bend a crater around that spot dropping her into a deeper part of the ground. I enclose it and immobilize her. Suki may be a great fighter and a secret bender but I have had harder challenges. I am Toph after all. In the process, she is knocked unconscious. 

I carve out the crater where Suki is trapped holding her in the air. With that, I open a hole to the surface to create ground platforms beneath my feet as I bend Suki and me to the surface. Its a swift instant and when we emerge were met with Aang, Zuko, Mai, and Katara ready and waiting in a fighting stance. 

"Don't worry I handled it by myself. The back up wasn't necessary." I say mildly gloating.  My boasting moment comes to a crashing halt when I remember why it happened in the first place. 

"Where is Sokka is he alright?" I ask looking at Katara. 

"He's fine. I think he will have a minor concussion but he should be fine. He is back where you left him. He was looking for you." She said as the water tunnel she created dispersed and floated back into her water canister. "What happened Toph" she began to yell impatient with the lack of information presently available to her. 

Katara walked over to the Suki I had trapped. Suki, quietly sitting in her capture began to thrash as she woke up. Attempting to get out. I look at Katara "She did this to herself. Look below in the hole over there. Something isn't right about where I found her." I flick my wrists forward and slide my foot to the left opening the hole Suki and I came out of for all to see. The room I once thought to be a monk or traveler belonged to Suki. 

"I've got to go, you can handle this right?" With that, I bent a pile of mud beneath my feet gliding through the ground. I darted off to where I left Sokka. 


Sokka POV

I sit alone, on my fifth attempt to get up and run. Each time my head feels like its going to split, then the world becomes fuzzy, and I fall to my feet once again. I haven't felt this terrible since after the time I had that funny cactus juice in the desert. 

Suddenly, I hear shuffling of rocks gradually getting louder. But I was too dizzy to stand up and look. Before I can gather my thoughts Toph is standing in front of me. She sits down without a word and gives me a hug. I say nothing in return but accept her embrace. I look at her and see the rosiness on her cheeks. I wonder if she knows she is blushing or if she cares. Then I remember Suki. I back away, look at her and say "What happened to her?" without a hint of change in demeanor "I took care of it. The others are talking with her now. Are you okay?" she says. 

"I'm a little dizzy and I feel not myself but I'll be fine." I look around us and see no one. I take my hand and with the little effort I had in my body I brush the loose strands of hair out of her face and tuck them behind her ear. I lean in and kiss her softly to say thank you. I lay back into her embrace just taking it all in. 

This moment is splendid and I don't want it to end but I know that there are other things to find out. The sun begins to set behind Toph and I watch it softly glow. I can savor this one moment before the crazy storm can't I?


Katara POV 

I look at Aang and nod. He takes a breath and opens 5 small holes into Suki's bubble. Only small enough to let her voice out and nothing more. I then let out a small amount of water seeping through the holes, I take a breath and close my eyes and feel for Suki's body. I find her and I chain her in with water around both her ankles and feet then I freeze the ice as cold as I can manage it. I nod over to Zuko and Mai to watch her bubble while I investigate the room. I grab onto Aang as he bends an air barrier to let us down into the room softly. 

What I see takes me by surprise. I was expecting a small makeshift hole in the ground clearly bent. What I found was a room made to perfect detail. The edges were sharp and smooth. Each indent on the walls was made with a purpose and carefully. SHelves and a wardrove all made out of the earth. Then I saw the outfits. One for each nation including the Kyoshi Warriors. There was no denying that this all belonged to Suki. Then I remembered why were at this temple in the first place. 


"Where should we settle down to rest? I don't particularly want to stay in the fire kingdom." Said Aang as we flew on the back of Appa. 

"Ooh, I know! Maybe we could find a beach or somewhere quiet?" Katara chimed in.

"Well, I heard of this really abandoned temple not too far from here. Maybe we can recuperate there?" Suki said calmly. 

"Great! I love temples! Lead the way!" Aang said with a dopey grin on his face. 

End of Flashback 

Suki lead us here not because she heard of it, but because she had lived her previously. 

"What do you think Aang?" I look over to him. 

"I want to have the benefit of the doubt, but there is some serious explaining needing to be done." 

We went back to the surface and switched off with Zuko allowing him a chance to look around and notice anything. 

"Start talking," I say as I bend Suki's chains tighter. 


Hey there! I hope you liked this chapter. I have another one coming at the end of the week! 

Also, I started a new book of one-shots its My Hero Academia themed. SO if you're into that check it out! I'd really appreciate it. As always if you liked this chapter leave a comment and send me a vote :)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2020 ⏰

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