The Mocking Moon

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Chapter 1

It's been three weeks since the war has been over, the gang sits in a circle on the floor of the air temple. Spare Sokka, who sits on the edge of the fountain on the other side of the courtyard staring at the moon.

Sokka's POV

I have no desire to be around the gang not even with the meat being passed around. Not even Suki. I look over to the gang sitting and Suki is sitting alone as Aang and Katara snuggle up close, the same for Mai and Zuko. Toph just sits on the ground as she bends a soft bunch of dirt to sit upon. Her bangs fall in her face as she unknowingly leaves it, she is blind after all. Even though she is blind her eyes sparkle like an innocent baby's eyes full of life and happiness, her beautiful pale face shines in the moonlight-- dammit Sokka stop thinking about her like that you're with Suki, she loves you.

I still have yet to withhold my stare at Toph and Katara looks up to see my staring. She nods in disapproval and gestures toward Suki. I look away and keep my peace as I stare off at the moon. I stay like this for a while until I feel a bump and see Toph sitting next to me.

"Alright meathead, what's wrong? You've been all moody and it's worrying, so as your Bestfriend: tell me what the hell is wrong with you"

"What are you talking about? I'm fine in a perfectly happy and normal mood, just not as hungry as usual ok? I'm fine"

"Whatever boomerang if you need me and feel like telling me, which you can as I won't judge or hate you I'll support you, I'll be over there." She walks away with grace so simple it's hard not to admire, her gentle hair bellows in the slight wind, framing her smooth face perfectly. Dammit I did it again, what the hell is wrong with me

I love Suki
I love Suki
I love Suki
I do love Suki right?
Do I?


So sorry if this isn't that good I'm going to work hard on this, it's my first fanfic and I'm hoping it's pretty good thanks a ton for reading! Disclaimer

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