Chapter 3

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Sokka's POV

I lay on Appa's fur watching the stars, man they're beautiful. That's one of the best parts of being Bestfriends with the avatar, you get to see the most beautiful things. Meet the best people and some of the worst. It has its ups and its downs. I'm so wrapped up in my own thoughts that I don't even notice Toph lay down next to me.

"Hey, meathead so you ever gonna tell me what the hell is wrong with you lately? Or do I need to pound it out of you?" She said.

"Can I honestly tell you something? I don't know what wrong, I'm just off like I can't even talk to Suki anymore it's just not the same, nothing's the same."

I looked off at the moon silently pleading Yue for help. To guide me to the right thing. "Please, Yue send me a sign, or hell push me or even shove me in the right direction. Get me on track."

"Look, meathead," she said sitting up facing me I did the same in return "there is something that is bothering you, did you and Suki have a fight? Is she mad at something you did?"

"No, she's not, we haven't I just don't want to I see her and don't feel the same. Like something's not right. It doesn't feel right anymore."

"Sounds to me you don't love her like you thought you did." She says as her bangs fall.
"Guess not," I say and without further thought, I reach for her bangs and tuck them behind her ear but my hand remains there, it's like I'm not controlling myself but I don't mind. My finger traces her jaw bone my finger leading to the bottom of her chin. She begins to lean in slowly, I do too, what am I doing? I have a girlfriend. But for the first time in three weeks, this feels right. I close my eyes and go with it.


Sorry this one is short but it's not ending here not even close. Hope you like it spread the word :)

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