Chapter 7

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Toph POV

We walk in silence the whole way back to the camp, I can't believe what I am doing. Why would I do that to Suki? I know that I've never been her favorite and vice versa but he's dating her he had his chance dozens of times before this. What changed? Why now?

I get lost in my thoughts and I don't pay attention to where I'm walking and I knock into a tree. Great. Just what I needed a bang on the head. I adjust and go to the camp I don't even acknowledge his existence as I go.

What happened since the war that made him like me? I know I've liked him for quite sometime but what happened? All I wanted was him and I have him now yes, but I have him in secrecy never to truly have him.

Damn it Toph he's Suki's don't think otherwise. It'll only lead to heart break.

Sokka POV

I'm going to hollow a room in the cave for us, for the plans I have. I really like her and I really wanna kiss her right now. It's to

the point where if I had to chose meat or Toph I'd chose Toph.

Almost to the camp site, I've got rock shaving and dirt powder all over me. Oh well.
I make it to the grounds and everyone is there I sit down promptly on Appa's tail, it's cold out and his tail feels warm.

"We need to get an ideas of where and how the republic city will manage," Aang begins "I want it to be a place of all four elements not one with just and embassy, Katara and I will live there of course when it is ready, we will need to build a police force. Fire--"
Zuko interrupts
" it should not be one element it should be by type. Police, detectives, and social. I say it's metal benders."

Katara raises her hand "one problem, there's only one in existence."

Everyone looks to Toph whose sitting in the basket on Appa. She keeps her stern look intact before she speaks.

"For now then it will be earth and fire, when the city is built I will teach metal bending, pass it on of sorts. Another thing is, how are you going to get this built, and where are you going to build this? Not everyone falls for the twinkle toes show you know"

Aang speaks presumably
"Looks like we're gonna have to meet with the king and bosco"

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