Chapter 2

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Sokka's point of view

The morning sun sucks. I think to myself as I'm blindingly woken up by it.

"Good morning my trooper" Suki says as she smiles.

"Good morning" I blatantly say. I moan a little more as I fix my hair putting it in it's usual style, nothing more nothing less. I walk away from our room in to the open courtyard where we've been meeting in the mornings. The war may be over but there is still lots to do and rebuild and since we've helped Aang through all of it we will see it through.

I'm the last one to the courtyard except for Toph she's still somewhere in the temple sleeping. The group is chatting like usual and Aang is flying around with his staff. Katara is practicing her bending with her canteen of water and some water from the fountain. Zuko and Mai are sitting in the shade being mushy and gushy

That's something I never thought I'd see Zuko's gone soft

Suki sits waving for me to come and sit down next to her but honestly I truly don't feel like it I just don't want to, I go and sit across from her near Appa 10 feet from her. She scoffs and looks away, when Katara pokes me with water and asks me to find Toph.
I get up gladly as I walk around the temple looking for her. I hear faint snoring in the cross roads of four tunnels that lead to rooms it's hard to distinguish which sounds coming from where so I chose the third one and follow there.

"TOPH?!" I yell through the tunnel


No reply

I am about to go to the next tunnel as I'm turning around when I'm hit with a medium sized boulder. Toph pops out of the shadows and laughs that cute giggle that she does man I love to hear- dammit I'm doing it again what is up with me?

"C'mon we're gonna start soon you need to be out there."

"Why I make my own rules" she jokingly snorts

"Katara and Aang said so" I blurt like that'll make a difference. "Just please c'mon"

She sighs and blows her bangs out of her face as she runs away.
She wears a new outfit she's never worn before. It's similar to Kataras fire nation outfit but in earth kingdom colors. She looks wonderful as her skirt billows away as she runs.


"We need to build a place for unity where everyone can be safe and no one is outlawed or over run. We need a place for a new republic to stand in the heart of all four nations. We need a unity city." Aang says with bravery. He is determined to make the world not so shity which is why he is the avatar.

"What should it have? A capital?" Katara agrees and adds.

"I say meat vending machines I can't out guy make them he'll love it! Meat! Meat for everyone!" I blare out looking for support everyone looks at me and laughs.

Zuko clears his throat and finally speaks "so other than that, it needs a name. This city needs a name"

"Unity city?"

"Ba sing se 2?"

"Avatar city?"

"No, no no no something strong," Zuko's says

"Boulder city?" Toph suggests

Aang stands up and says firmly. "I have it, we need to name it Republic City"



Thanks for reading I'm hoping to make this a really good length story of tokka and what the gaang becomes:) hope you like it please vote!:)

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