Chapter 12

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25 mins before the incident with Suki

I should break up with her, or at least tell her. But I don't want to end things with Toph. Maybe I will just end it and she doesn't have too know. Then later i publicly love Toph and its all taken care of. I don't know.

Suddenly I see Suki walking towards me from another temple hallway. She stops just short of me only to look at me with a sad look and pull me into a kiss. There is passion but it is one sided, she seems heartbroken when I pull away. It's then that she flipped from sad to aggressive.

"We need to talk" I say to her dryly.

"Okay so talk meathead." Suki retorts

"I'm sorr-" I say before I'm rudely interrupted.

"--What did you do?" Suki cuts in.

"I don't know if this is working Suki"

"What do you mean?" Her face looks sad. Her usually bright eyes seem dull. Sad even. As I look into her eyes I begin to speak.

"Suki, I think we should--" suddenly her sad eyes spark fire. She is enraged. No words leave her mouth but her eyes say everything. Then suddenly, she jerks her hand towards my face. She misses but comes next is unexpected.

The rock she throws is coming at an unexpected rate. Then suddenly

Everything goes black.


Sorry for the recent Hiatus guys!
Im back!

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