Chapter 14

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Toph POV

"Who the hell are you? What the hell happened? Start from the beginning" I bark.

I wait for a response. I hear nothing. I yell once again. I feel for her fluttery vibrations only to find something different. It has the same rhythm only it's softer and dull like it's losing its will.

"Answer me! Don't make me force it out of you." I stomp on the ground with force sending a bolder hovering into the air. "You have 5 seconds to start talking" I take a deep breath before willing a chunk of rock to sharpen its edges.

It's then she finally speaks. Her voice is broken as if she's been sobbing. "I didn't mean too." She whimpers. "I just got so angry! I never lose control like that."

"That means nothing to me. What do you mean lose control? Why did you hit him?" I shout back to her.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean too."

"What did you do Suki? There's no way you picked up that boulder and threw it yourself? What are you hiding" It doesn't make sense to me? The only way she could have found her way in is through bending. There are no holes or indications otherwise, we are blocked in by rock.

After a moment of silence, I begin to hear shuffling from the room Suki is on the move.

"Answer me!" I shout once again. The bolder I have is still lifted shaped to a sharp point. My methods may seem harsh but something isn't right here.

As I hear nothing once again my heart begins to race.

It's then she gives herself away. I hear a scuffle, suddenly I feel the wind shift. She's leaped towards me I turn the rock in my grasp and knock her from the air.

"That was a nice try. But you're underestimating who you're dealing with." I blurt out.

"So did you," she says as I suddenly take a foot to the face. Things were about to get interesting and there was no going back.


Sokka POV

I stumble to my feet. I feel alive but the world is a bit fuzzy. I only make it three steps before I fall back into Katara's lap. I have to get up. I need to find them, I need to find them both.

"What happened Sokka?" Katara asks assertively.

"I'm not really sure. I was talking to Suki, well breaking up with Suki--"

"BREAKING UP WITH SUKI?!?!?" Katara Interrupts. 

"I have my reasons you don't have to yell at me" I croak out barely before I begin to see stars. I fall to my feet again and Katara catches me. 

"You are in no condition to go after them. I think you have a concussion, you need rest," she says to me frankly. 

"No, I need to find them. I need to make things right." I begin to retell katara what happened "As I began to break up with Suki, she became enraged. A type of rage that I haven't seen in her eyes before. It's like the Suki I knew melted away to nothing. She flung her arm out me and I thought she was going to hit me, but instead of her hand, a boulder came flying at me instead." 

As Katara began digesting and analyzing the info she was just given, she began to come to the same deductions that Sokka had come to in his sleep. "Oh my god, she's a bender. But I thought that's why she joined the Kyoshi Warriors? Because she wanted to defend others without bending." 

"I think Suki has been lying this whole time, she has been a bender from the beginning. I need to go, I need to find Toph, I need to warn her..." The sound of my voice trails off as I am hit with another wave of spins. 

"ZUKO!! MAI!!" Katara screams as she bends the water from the nearby fountain into a tornado shaped tube lifting her into the sky. 

Suddenly I see flames erupt in the distance, Zuko heard her acknowledging her and coming as fast as he can with Mai in tow. 

This was going to be an interesting night for sure. Things are never what they appear to be for us, ever. 


Short chapter I know! But I want the battle to all to be in one or two consecutive chapters. Thanks for waiting around guys! Be sure to comment and vote! thanks again!

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