Chapter 13

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~~Jayden's POV~~

Lead him on? how was i leading him on? i mean i do feel bad but he didn't make a move. so it's not my fault. i thought to myself.

But then my thoughts were interrupted by Kian hurrying through the door. "Jayden, i just got a text from Jordan!"

"and?" i ask uninterested in his love life.

"She is coming over right now!! i haven't seen her her in almost four months! i love her! " He yells as a knock sounds from the door

i get up answer the door to kians girlfriend, Jordan. kian runs by me and embraces her as i open it. trying to keep my balance i grab the for handle and fall on my butt.

I slowly stand up and walk away from the couple. I head for the back door.

~~Jc's POV~~

"Sam what did you-" i started to say but then was interrupted but Kian's phone.

His girlfriend's ringtone blasted from the speaker. After reading the text he ran toward the house happily. I watched the door for a while and decided he wasn't coming back but before i turned back to Sam i saw Jayden walk out. Connor didn't get up and go talk to her but she walked to him. I watched in jealously as she leaned down and whispered in his ear. i watched as they walked to the side of the house together and disappeared.

~~Connor's POV~~

"What do you want?! Shouldn't you be with your boyfriend, not wasting your time with me!" i yelled

" oh so that's how you're going to act! all we didd was get coffee!! " she yelled back at me  

" you know, i have no idea what Ricky told you but I'm done! You need to choose between me and him. but until then i won't be here. if you need have Ricky come get me! " i yelled walking to the front yard

" Grow up! it was just coffee and how am i supposed to close between the two nicest guys i met!" i heard her yell after me.

~~Ricky's POV~~

Jayden had taken Connor to the side of the house. since then all i could hear was them yelling. I actually thought Connor might win. I guess not. He told her he was leaving till she chose one if them.

I watched as she stomped back into the yard and slammed the gate. " Ricky we need to talk! " She yelled still standing at the gate.

I stood up and walked over to her.

The Birthday Gift ( O2L fanfic)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ