Love me or hate me, this is my life

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boo, Levi said from behind me while quickly grabbing my shoulders and shaking me slightly which startled me slightly I quickly turned around only to see it was Levi

"oh wow what a nice greeting " I said sarcastically rolling my eyes at him and turning back around

"chill dude it was only a joke" he said with the sweetest smile ever

"I know it was but I'm feeling kinda hungover from yesterday and I'm just not in the mood"

OK let me just quickly pause the story there and tell you a little about me and Levi. I am mixed race with crazy curly hair my name is lyanie I have always hated my name its way too uncommon and people find it very difficult to say my full name is lyanie Jane smith like seriously I have the wiredest first name and two common names I find that so annoying especially when people ask to call me by my middle name it annoys me so much like you don't see me calling you by your middle name so you don't call me by mine

anyways I am really tall at 5ft 8(which I hate) and I'm really skinny I have brown eyes and people say I have a nice body like apparently I got big boobs with the curves but I don't think so apparently I'm also hipster but again I don't think so but I can't lie I'm in love with ripped jeans and leggings and simple shirts and shoes I couldn't care less about the labels now that's not hipster... is it?

oh and Levi that guy that was really pissing me off just then is my stupid annoying dumb amazing sweet boyfriend who I actually love people say that because I'm only 15 and he is 17 we can't be in love because we don't even know what it is. I guess now is the time to tell the truth Levi is my 12th boyfriend and I'm his second  (yes I know I've had a lot of boyfriends) the point is I have never felt the same with the other guys the way I feel with Levi

anyways Levi is taller than me at 6ft 2 (which I love) he

looks full black but his mum is like an eighth Asian or something he has the bad boy kind of look (which I love) he has the perfect body with the 6 pack and he has a tattoo of a tiger on his left upper arm its so cool

and  yeah I think that's all for now so back to the story

Levi swung me back around like I was paper weight (I know I'm light but Levi swings me like I weigh nothing, I like that.) he picked me up and kissed me on the lips and I felt a smile forming on my lips as he put me down

"I love you" I whispered to him

"I love you more" he whispered back

"umm lya I'm give u some alone time OK I'm going over there"  my best friend Joanne said as she got up to leave to join the rest of our group of friends

"OK bye see ya later babe" I said

"bye" she said with a smile and left

we were in a massive field and basically everyone always goes there on the last day of school no matter how cold it is. I looked around only to see bitches staring at us and giving us dirty looks but I didn't care I love Levi and he loves me that is all that matters

"so lyanie how did you like the party and by the way you looked sexy"

"the party was so awesome well the bits I could remember were I blacked out after about an hour and a half and do you even remember what I wore?" I said with a smile even though I felt like shit

"you wore that black mini dress that was sleeveless and hugged your curves perfectly it was cute apart from the fact it was so short that when you bend over you could see your whole ass" he said looking quiet pissed off and disappointed in me

"OK first of all my dress was not that short and I didn't bend over" I said pissed off at him he took out his phone and showed me a picture of me drunk and twerking and he was right my dress was really short oh my gosh i cant believe i did that I thought while blushing

"now do you believe me" he asked and I nodded in embarrassment.

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