everyone knows

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"hello lyanie" miss little greeted me

"hi" I said taking a seat

"how are you today?" miss asked me

"good" I replied

"so I've been hearing quiet a few rumours about you being pregnant? is that true?"  she Asked

"yeah" I said sighing sadly and looking down

"didn't you use protection? " miss little asked

"I don't know I was drunk" I blurted out without thinking I immediately regretted those words what kind of question was that anyways like if I did I won't be pregnant right now that was a stupid question I thought

"you were drunk?" she asked shocked and I said nothing she sighed and went back to the original subject

"have you told your mum and dad yet erm I mean mum have you told your mum " I froze for a second thinking weather to say yes or no but in the end I nodded even though I intended to say no

"OK that's good " miss said smiling so I smiled back

"And I presume the farther is Levi"

"yeah" I said

"does he know?"

"yeah"  I said looking down

"so have you thought about abortion or adoption?" miss little asked me looking concerned I shook my head

"i-i w-want to k-keep it" again with the stuttering why was I stuttering

"but you do know that a baby would be a massive responsibility and I know that your mum isn't the most supportive and she isn't always there"

"yeah i-i know but I can handle it p-plus the school has that baby centre thing so I can just leave my baby there during lessons" I managed to stop myself from stuttering

"seems like you have things all planned out don't you" she smiled and I smiled back with a nod

"OK I'm going to give you a few scenarios and you have to figure out a way to solve them OK?"

"alright" I said

"OK so the baby is born and you bring it home you are home alone and it won't stop crying you have already changed it's nappy, fed it, and given it a bath and it won't stop crying what would you do?".she asked

"I'll rock her or him until it falls asleep if not I'll give it toys to play with if not I'll give her or him a dummy or whatever it uses as a comforter to sooth it" I replied

"well done that's a great answer, here's another one, you are still pregnant and once again you are home alone you are upstairs and all your phones are downstairs and all of a sudden while you are relaxing in bed you start to feel a sharp pain in your stomach but you think it's nothing so you just ignore it but the pain starts to become more frequent and more painful next thing you know your water breaks what would you do? "

"erm I'll climb downstairs and get a phone to call an ambulance to come and pick me up plus that'll never happen to me cos I always have my phone with me" I replied and miss little nodded

"here's another one these are all going to be based on you being home alone by the way so what if you were home alone with your newly born child and you fall sick and pass out and when you wake up you are unable to move what would you do"

"I-i don't know what kind of question is that anyways" I replied looking down

"OK last one you are home alone and you are still pregnant but you fall down the stairs, what would you do?"

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