its time

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Two and a half months later...

I was home alone as usual and just upstairs in my room reading something another parenting book that I found in my library they all seemed pretty useless to be honest. Just then I felt a massively sharp pain in my stomach which soon passed so I just thought it was nothing and carried on reading while rubbing my stomach which had become a habit for me it was so wired and awesome to know that I have a living human being living inside of me at times it was quiet hard to believe although I had a massive belly as blatant proof

after a while I felt another pain this time sharper and lasted a little longer than the first but again it passed so I ignored it thinking if it happened again then I'll call for an ambulance or something

then I felt another extremely sharp pain which lasted way longer than the rest causing me to drop my book and shut my eyes tightly trying to block out the pain and when it passed I went to get my phone to call an ambulance

"hello" the woman said tiredly I can't blame her it was 1 am

"I think Im about to give birth like now" I said frantically

"OK calm down ma'am where do you live" she asked in a calming tone

I then told her where I live and just as she was about to say something else the phone cut off

"fuck my Battery is dead" I said wanting to cry from the pain I was feeling and thats when it occurred to me this is real this is not pretend im going to have to look after and care for two babies all by my self

"All by my self" i whispered to my self tears streaming down my face from the intense pain physically and emotionally.

A little while later after i managed to climb down the stairs the ambulance arrived and i was rushed to hospital the whole thing happened in a long lasting blur i dont actually remember what was going on all i remember is when i was sitting in my hospital bed holding two beautiful girls i fell in love with them instantly they were just so beautiful

After a while a nurse came in to teach me how to care for them like how to bath them and stuff i listened to each and every detail intensively and after a few days i could finally take them home they were so beautiful and completly identical i loved them so much i named them alani and Jordyn I've just always loved those names. i was so happy.

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