terrible timing

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three months later...

I was now 7 months pregnant and life felt a whole lot slower and heavier my belly was massive and people in the streets, teachers, students EVERYONE knew about my pregnancy well... not EVERYONE I still haven't told my mum it was 4 months until December so my mum won't be home until then well that's if she comes I wasn't going to tell my mum about my pregnancy I was just going to let her come home for the Christmas holidays and BAM she has a grand daughter

then I heard a knock on the door and I looked through the peephole and saw Levi standing there so I opened the door

"hey fatass" Levi said trying to wind me up

"shut up I'm not fat I'm pregnant there is a difference" I said while playfully hitting him on his arm

"come on let's go" he said to me

"hang on lemme just get my jacket" I said

"where are we going anyways?" I asked Levi for the hundredth time

"I told you I ain't telling" Levi said smiling

"I have a bad feeling about this can we take the bus instead of walking?" I asked

"but is such a beautiful night" this reminded way too much of the night my dad died our surroundings the 'beautiful night' him taking me for a surprise it was too much

"please" I begged

"OK yeah" he said he must have noticed how worried I looked

when we got on the bus he asked me why I was so worried about us walking

"it reminded me too much of a painful experience I once had and I don't want to lose another person who I love" I said and he knew exactly what I was talking about the rest of the trip was silent

" my favourite restaurant" I said happily and he nodded and we went in

I loved this restaurant it was so nice and had delicious food when the guy took us to our seats I could see and feel people looking at me but I was so used to it now and I ordered my food and Levi got the same thing when we left it was a little colder than before Levi was staying at my house tonight and I got home around midnight

when we entered the house we both cuddled up on the sofa to watch a movie

"you are home late ain't ya" me and levi screamed so loud jumping off the sofa and moving towards the door it was really dark so we couldn't see who said that and I was freaking out Levi was standing protectively infront of me as we rushed towards the door

"calm down kids" the person said turning the light on and I turned for a second to look at the person

"MUM?!!" I screamed I was so shocked and scared at the same time

"yea lya it's me now calm down"

"what the fuck are you doing here" I shouted gripping tightly onto Levi so he won't move revealing my pregnant belly

"What kind of way is that to greet your mum now come give me a hug" she said smiling coming closer to me

"no" I said wanting to turn and run out of the door before my mum actually sees me

"why? and why are you hiding behind Levi" my mum asked and I felt Levi shifting uncomfortably.

"no reason" I said then my mum quickly walked towards me and pulled me from behind Levi by the arm but she quickly dropped my arm and stepped backwards gasping

"what the fuck" my mum shouted and I looked down at the ground

"you're you're what the fuck" my mum said again I said nothing and I saw Levi slowly and awkwardly moving towards the staircase before running upstairs

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