biggest shock of my life

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the holidays were over and it was time to go back to school which annoyed me so much.

my alarm rung and I started my same old boring school routine

reluctantly get out of bed

brush my teeth

have a shower

get dressed

end up missing breakfast

and rushing to the bus stop

have my lessons

hang out with friends for break

more lessons

skip having lunch and hang out with friends instead

more lessons

hop on the bus with friends

go home

eat something

go on the internet

brush teeth

go to bed

and repeat the next day

I fucking hate this stupid daily routine my my life is so boring and repetitive it feels like I'm some next kind of robot Its so annoying

3 weeks later

it's been 5 weeks since the party and I was supposed to have had my period 2 weeks ago I was late And freaking out Im sure I didn't do anything sexual at the party but I needed to be sure so I called Levi

ring ring ring ring

"hello" he finally answered

"hi, do you remember anything about my party"

"surprisingly I do, do you remember anything?" he asked me

."only bits of it " I replied

"and you want me to tell you what you did" he said laughing

"yes please" I replied trying to hide the anxiety in my voice

"well you were dancing won a dance competition you lost your top and we had sex that's it really"

"seriously?" I asked "don't lie to me" I warned

"I'm not".he said laughing "why do you want to know about your party now it was like a month ago"

"yeah I know I was just thinking about it and realised that I hardly remembered anything so I decided to ask you" I lied

"OK. anyways I got to go now my parents are making me clean" Levi said

"OK bye" I said

"bye" he replied

OMG I was freaking out but I brushed off the thought thinking that I won't be stupid enough to do 'it' unprotected no matter how drunk I was

5 weeks later

I still haven't had my period and I an actually freaking out right now I rushed home from school buying a pregnancy test before I got home and used it straight when I got home I was so scared to see the results so I waited about an hour to build up the courage I needed I reluctantly picked up the test and looked at the results

"positive " I whispered and because of all the shock I passed out in front of my bathroom door when I woke up I was in my bed and Joanne was there staring intently at me and smiling as I opened my eyes

"what are you doing here" I asked warily

"you rushed home from school and weren't answering your phone so I got worried and came over, thank God you are awake I was so worried I called the ambulance they will be here soon"

Love me or hate me, this is my lifeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें