you know what? fuck it

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when I got home I just removed all my make up changed into my pyjamas and went back to sleep I turned off my phone as well and locked all the doors I didn't want any disturbances I just wanted to be alone it's a natural thing for me anyways I'm always alone...

the next morning I woke up because of the loud banging on my door so I reluctantly slipped in my bunny slippers and lazily walked down the stairs looking through the peep hole and opening the door

"come in" I said and walked the other direction and dropped back down on the couch

"did I wake you" asked Joanne laughing

"yes you actually did" I said tiredly

"good you need to get out of bed more anyways lazy ass" Joanne said while pushing my legs off the sofa so she has a place to sit

"shut up I ain't lazy" I said while sitting up so she has more room to sit

just then I heard another knock on the door

"answer it" I said to Joanne while kicking her off the sofa she got up threw a pillow at me and went to look through the peep hole

"who is it" I asked

"it's levi" she said undertone

"yeah open it" I said while rolling me eyes Joanne opened the door and Levi came in

"yo" he said to Joanne while nodding at her

"hey" she said back. I was expecting a nice welcome like him saying hey are you OK from yesterday I love you blah blah blah but no instead he decided to throw my belt at me

"you forgot this" he said rudely turning to leave so I got up and used the metal side of the belt to whack round the head

"what's your problem" I said pissed off

"erm maybe it's because yesterday I was trying to be nice and you decided to get rude to me"

"omfg you are delusional i was pissed off yesterday and with Selma calling me L was just giving me random flashbacks to the day I saw my farther die and if I didn't want to talk you should have respected that you should have..." I cut myself off there sighing "just get out" I said

"oh lya I'm sorry I didn't know"

"of course you didn't know because you didn't care enough to ask"

"but lya..."

" I don't care about what you are going to say just please leave" and with that he left

"well" Joanne said awkwardly and I laughed and we just talked and laughed and had a good time and at 11:00 at night she had to leave so I gave her a hug and she was off.

the next three weeks after the argument me and Levi started talking again and everything just seemed perfectly fine and I was actually genially happy but as you may have figured out already every time I'm happy something seems to just break me down.

"OMG next month is my bday my mum's gonna come home I'm so frikking exited!!!" I screamed jumping around like a two year old

"that's so awesome!!" Joanne replied almost as exited as I was we were both in my bedroom on my bed acting like a fool it was so much fun then

painting flowers by set it off started playing so I turned my phone over and shouted

"my mums calling yaaay " I was so ecstatic

"hey baby" my mum said

before I carry on with this convo let me just tell you a bit about my awesome mother she is 30 years old because she had me at the age of 15 she full black half Liberian and half Ghanaian she has naturally long jet black hair with brown eyes and long lashes my mum is also tall but it suits need better than it does me she is really slim and looks good in whatever she wears and she is always really honest with me

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