Onslaught Tower

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A whole crowd filled the halls of Shadowfall. The voices of the crowd was as noisy as war. As Gomfalion approached the gathering, he saw Gravelyn on her throne, controlling the bunch of voices and complaints.

"...and his axe was just sitting there. Why would Artix leave his..."

"...Alteon hasn't been seen in days. They say he..."

"...the cave was just empty! It's not like Galanoth to leave a dragon just..."

Gravelyn cleared her throat. She gave an announcement to the curious crowd.

"Heroes of Battleon! Thank you for coming on such short notice," she announced. "I know that some of you serve me and others serve Alteon, but we are all fighting toward one common goal. However, it seems that someone didn't get the memo... Our friends and allies have been captured."

"WHAT!?" everyone screamed. Mutters started filling the room again.

"The king has been kidnapped?"

"That explains why Cysero finally left the tub!"

"Quiet, please!" Gravelyn said. "I know who has taken them and I should have seen it coming. Allow me to read it for you now, and it will answer most of your questions."

"Greetings, Gravelyn. I am Maximilian Lionfang, archlord of the Golden Onslaught... and I have taken many of the supposedly "Good" heroes into my care..."

Gravelyn continued reading the letter. Meanwhile, in a tower, Lionfang has captured many of the leaders of good, all trapped in a cell. Alteon, Artix, Robina, Warlic, and many more. They were all arguing with Lionfang, demanding the so called "good" general to release them.

"Lionfang, you were once my loyal general," Alteon said. "Why were we all tricked into coming here? Explain your answer and release us!"

"Don't you know, can't you understand, "Good" King Alteon?" Lionfang said. "If you were truly good you would know, that there is no place for evil in this world! The Darkblood Scroll will lead me to the ultimate weapon against chaos. We no longer need to side with this evil scum! The Great Truce is over!"

"Lionfang... King Alteon and I, and Empress Gravelyn have made a truce between good and evil, until chaos, the real threat to Lore, has been eliminated. You don't even have this weapon yet, but even if you did you must know that we'd be stronger together. You're blinded by your hate."

"Your foolishness shall not be tolerated!" Lionfang shouted. "Don't you dare let me punish you!'

Artix interfered. "Touch one hair in her head and I will..."

"Ah, the paladin Artix, shining beacon of good," said Lionfang. "Have you really fallen for this as well? You are a hero! You have defeated countless undead, and you still believe you can have a real truce with evil?"

"The only way to win against Drakath and his chaos monsters is for everyone to work together!" Artix said. "It is not too late to undo this. Stand united with us against our common foe so we have the strength to save Lore from chaos!"

"No! You are wrong!" Lionfang said, angrily. "Light will burn against evil AND chaos! This truce makes us weak. Good must triumph over evil!"

"YAY!" said a random voice, in a sarcastic manner.

"I know you are all good at heart, which is why I gathered you together in my tower, to wake you up to the truth!" Lionfang mentioned. "and I plan on letting you all go free."


"After I have tortured you until you see that my way is correct," Lionfang said.


[Book 2] Land of Corruption: The Great Truce (AQW)Where stories live. Discover now