Lionfang's Fortress

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"Your highness, we have found the cure for your illness!" Mortimer said.

A girl in a green and white dress came up to them. She is Alteon's daughter and Robina's true identity, Princess Victoria.

"You have found a cure for the chaorruption?" Victoria asked.

"Yes!" Gomfalion exclaimed. "These are the last tears of the woman who became the Mother of Monsters before she gave up her humanity."

"It's the Darkblood's most sacred relic but they have given us the chance to use it as we see fit."

"What are we waiting for?" Victoria said. "Father, drink this!"

"No, dear daughter," Alteon denied.

"I'm not sure you understand, sire," Chizet said. "You are too valuable for the Great Truce to lose. There are only enough tears to remove the chaos from one person."

"Exactly," Alteon said. "I feel the chaos digging deeper into me everyday but, I am only one man. Curing me is a terrible and selfish waste of their power."

"Father, no. Please," Victoria begged.

"There there, my dear," Alteon said. "These brave heroes have found these tears when everyone said chaorruption had no cure. Perhaps another cure can be found..."

Alteon then faced the three in front of him.

"But you have a greater threat to attend to. My Pactogonal Knight, Sir Valence, has been ordered to track Lionfang's movements. He has tracked Lionfang to Thunderforge and his new base, the Venom Vaults. Meet Sir Valence and do what you can to stop Maximilian Lionfang."

"As you wish, sire," Mortimer bowed.

The three people rushed out of the throne room. They rode their way to the Venom Vaults, north of Thunderforge, west of Swordhaven. The vaults formed a big castle colored all brown, with many sections of roofs which looked like teardrops. As they came to the entrance, they saw no person in front of the giant gate...

"Alas, we are here," Mortimer said.

Chizet was confused. "But where are we supposed to find Sir-"

Suddenly, an arrow shot itself in front of them, from their left. A voice suddenly rang from within the mountains.

"Over here, heroes," the voice said. It turned out to be Sir Valence. He was in iron armor, and on his helmet had a blue feather tracing his head. He jumped down the low hill, and he met with the three.

"I didn't even see you," Gomfalion said.

"I've learned to keep myself out of sight and go unnoticed while I watch my quarry," Valence said in a bragging tone.

"That can't be easy in a full suit of armor," Mortimer said, impressed.

"What have you seen?" Chizet asked.

"After the fall of Onslaught Tower, Lionfang was looking for a new base. He found this place and has been working his soldiers day and night to reshape it," Valence continued. "Since his chaos powers changed his riding lion into a chaos manticore I seemed like a good fit, since the prince who lived here had several pet manticores which he trained."

Lionfang was shown in a window and was training his manticore.

"Lionfang has focused his energy onto the Chaos Manticore. It's grown huge and he's been training it to hunt the remaining Darkblood and Gravelyn's forces from the air," Valence said. "With the Chaos Manticore becoming such a threat to the realm, it has become our primary concern. We've got to take it down before you can face Lionfang."

[Book 2] Land of Corruption: The Great Truce (AQW)Where stories live. Discover now