Tears of the Mother

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"My Primarch," Madra said.

"Mortimer, thank you for freeing me," thanked Primarch.

Madra had a disgusted look on her face. "If you weren't under Lionfang's control you would have crushed this worm."

"No, Madra. He is far stronger than he appears," Primarch replied. "I feel the chaos taking hold. It's... changing me to stone! Listen well, hero. The Tears of the Mother are our most holy relic. They are from a time before time, before the birth of either of our races. They have the power to remove chaos, once only."

"Remove chaos?" Mortimer asked, alarmed. "So Lionfang could really use it to destroy Drakath?"

"No. He is mistaken," Primarch answered. "Drakath has become chaos. You cannot remove the darkness from the night. But if the chaorruption has not taken root too deeply, you might be able to cure King Alteon. It is too late for me, Madra. You are Primarch now."

And slowly, the Primarch felt his last breath, and from head to toe, he turned into a stone statue of the most powerful Darkblood war beast.

"Madra, I'm sorry," Mortimer said.

"Silence!" Madra screamed. Mortimer kept quiet. "My people, what's left of them, need me now. You must go to the Death Pits. Find the Tears of the Mother, and use them however you like."

"Use them? But they are your most holy relic."

"Our people were not interested in the war against chaos because we had the Tears of the Mother to protect us. Now, we do not. Chaos Lord Lionfang has drawn us into the war. I do not care how you use them, I only care that he does not get his way. Do whatever it takes to make sure he fails. Promise me."

"I give you my word... Primarch."

Mortimer bowed to the new Primarch. He then left the room with Madra and the stone statue of the of the old Primarch. He then proceeded to the Death Pits, leaving the flaming city of Falguard... or at least what is left of it. While he was on the dangerous journey to the pits of the Tears of the Mother, Shadowfall received word from Madra, as she requested Gravelyn to send cooperates for Mortimer.

"We have word that there is a cure for chaorruption," Dage announced.

"Yes," Gravelyn agreed. "It is the vial of the Tears of the Mother. It has the power to remove chaorruption, once only."

"So if we are able to take it before Lionfang does, we may be able to cure the chaorruption of King Alteon," Dage said.

"Tears of the Mother?" Gomfalion asked, discombobulated.

"It is a vial of the Mother of All Monsters's tears, shed when she was still human," Chizet answered.

"Mother of All Monsters?" Kitri asked.

"I've heard rumors, but I haven't seen anything proven by the Loremasters," Gomfalion said.

"The military captain of Swordhaven, Mortimer, has been sent to the Death Pits to find the vial," Gravelyn said.

"And Madra has requested us to send accompaniments to him," Dage said. "Gomfalion, Chizet, we need you to both rush to the Death Pits. Here is a map."

Dage handed the map.

"Dage, what about us?" Gamzati asked.

"Chaos forces are unexpectedly attacking all over Lore," Dage mentioned. "We need you and Kitri to stay here at Shadowfall's defense."

"I see," Kitri said. "Gamzati, we defend the castle gates. We need to be prepared for any sudden attacks by the chaos forces. You got that?"

"Noted," Gamzati replied.

[Book 2] Land of Corruption: The Great Truce (AQW)Where stories live. Discover now