Chaos and Swordhaven

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The heart of Swordhaven beats steadily in its King, Alteon. But for how long...?

Alteon was sitting on his throne, weak. The chaorruption started planting seeds in his bones, his brain, and his heart. His three daughters, Brittany, Victoria, and Tara, had risked their lives just to save and preserve the wise mind of their father and king. Though they do put their life on the line, not everything results in the way that they wish...

"Father, NO!" Brittany yelled.

"AAAAAAAGHH!" Alteon screamed, trying to hold back the chaorruption eating him. Purple lighting flashed behind him, as if the chaos was trying to mock him from within the clouds.

Chaos storms have raged over Swordhaven City for the last three weeks.

Fearful whispers echo through the city as the townspeople wait, watch, and worry for their king.

The townspeople were starting a chaos of their own by spreading bad news about their king. None had gone well.

"He is not getting better! I heard from the head parlormaid that he collapsed today!"

"The cheesemake told me the king's head chef placed an order for SIXTEEN wheels of cheese. There's no way he can be sick and need all of that. Not just for himself."

"He's either throwing a party or, chaorruption makes ya want dairy? Dunno."

"No, you don't know. But I'm in the place everyday and I say this isn't good!"

The chaorruption spreads...

Even the smallest of things are getting infected. Just as a rat and its environment. One rat can easily be taken over by chaorruption. Once that rat touches another rat, that other rat will be infected. Then that rat can reach millions of other living things, even allowing their surroundings to be engulfed by chaos. It is an unstoppable cycle.

Back at the throne room, Alteon was speaking to his children, the princesses.

"My children, I am tired. The infection rages deep in my bones today. I must rest, regain my strength. I will be much better in the morning," Alteon said. "Brittany. Go now. Summon the heroes of Shadowfall. I will speak with them before I sleep."

Brittany followed her father's command. She then summoned Shadowfall's generals and awaited their arrival. In Shadowfall, they all received the call, and they discussed plans.

"Gomfalion, Chizet, Kitri," Dage announced. "You all proceed to Swordhaven. Gamzati, stay."

"Yes, you will be our scientist for the day," Gravelyn grinned.

Gamzati alarmed herself. "WHAT!?"

"We need you to demonstrate an experiment on chaorrupted organisms," Dage said.

"What am I going to to? Dissect a puppy?" Gamzati asked.

"Worse," Gravelyn smirked.

"Well, I suppose we can leave you all to it," Gomfalion said.

"Let's proceed, we cannot keep the king waiting," Kitri said, in a hurry.

"Go ahead, people," Gravelyn said. She brought out a glass tank with a chaorrupted plant and a chaorrupted rat.

"Oh... You weren't kidding," Gamzati bellowed. "This is going exactly where I think is, huh?"

"Definitely," Dage said.

Kitri, Gomfalion, and Chizet started their travel to Swordhaven. As they got there, they overheard the murmurs of the townspeople. They proceeded to the throne room with all of the townsmen's disgusting comments stuck staight in their heads with no way out.

[Book 2] Land of Corruption: The Great Truce (AQW)Where stories live. Discover now