To Take Down a Friend

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"Where's Gomfalion?" Rufus asked, appearing in the scene out of nowhere.

"He's off to fight Alteon," Gonvar said.


"I believe in his power," Gonvar said. "After all, he did defeat Lionfang and his manticore. If he can defeat them, surely he'll have no problem taking down Alteon."

"Well, it's just that..." Rufus paused. "They're best friends... The emotion might... Weaken him."

"True, but his will can overcome his emotions. It's strong enough to," Gonvar said. "Come, head over to the barricade. I'll discuss our plans there."

They headed towards the barricade near the castle gate. They hid behind it and bumped into Ahmes in the process.

"The last of the chaos forces are numbered around 3000 to 5000," Ahmes said.

"We're only few left in the alliance's forces," Gonvar said. "Hold them back, it'll be easier for Gomfalion."

"No big deal," Rufus said. "The archers will keep them away, I'm sure."

"Don't be too confident though," Ahmes butted in. "You'll never know what will happen."

"They're coming!" Gonvar exclaimed. "Archers, ready!"


As this was happening, Gomfalion exited the palace, only to see Alteon in front of him.

"What is that you hold in your hand?" Alteon asked sarcastically.

"A sword," Gomfalion said.

"What will you choose to do with it?"

"Slay thousands of chaotic monsters."

"I... am a chaotic monster," Alteon said.

"No. You are human," Gomfalion said. "The king of Swordhaven, claims himself as a chaotic monster?"

"I am a lord of chaos," Alteon bellowed. "If I were you, I would jump and slash my sword to the man in front of me."

"I don't care, Alteon. The whole point is that you are NOT me. I'm not going to do this."

"Then I will make you! Better guard yourself!"

Alteon jumped towards Gomfalion and raised his sword up high. As he pushed it down, Gomfalion defended.

"Why are you not accepting the cures that we offered you?" Gomfalion asked. He pushed his sword forward, making Alteon fall back.

"I already told you," Alteon said, raising his sword for another attack. "It is a selfish waste of their power."

Alteon jumped and slashed his sword downward, and Gomfalion rolled out of the way. "AND fighting you is a selfish waste of my time. If only you accepted that stupid cure, we wouldn't even be in this mess!"

"This is no mess, Gomfalion," Alteon said, charging up a chaotic orb. "It's quite tidy actually."

Alteon shot the orb, leaving Gomfalion no choice but to raise his sword and slice it in half.

"It WOULD have been, but you were too stubborn to think so," Gomfalion said, slashing his sword on Alteon's chest slightly. "Please don't do this. For the sake of everyone here."

Alteon enraged by what Gomfalion said. His eyes turned completely purple. He charged up what looked like purple lightning, and shot it at Gomfalion's left arm. Gomfalion let out a yelp.


Alteon charged up one more ball lightning. Ready to blast it out, he raised his arm out, but the ball of lightning weakened.

[Book 2] Land of Corruption: The Great Truce (AQW)Where stories live. Discover now