The City of Falguard

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Lionfang was running around a dark forest with undead chasing him. The two chaorrupted twins were leading his way, and he was following them. He then saw a portal in front of him, and he ran to it.

"Over here, archlord!" said one of the twins.

They all entered the portal, and as they went inside, the portal closed and the undead ran past the portal location. The first thing that Lionfang saw, was no other than the destroyer of Swordhaven, Drakath. He was sitting on a corrupted and purple throne with his sword pierced on the stone ground.

"No need to kneel, archlord of the Golden Onslaught," Drakath said. "Please, be at peace. This is a safe place."

"Nobody on Lore is safe as long as evil scums like you exist," Lionfang spat.

"Oh, please," Drakath said calmly, as he magically teleported Lionfang's whip out of his hands, onto the side of Drakath. "True, I began my life aligned with evil but I have come so far beyond that. And I see you in that same ability to become more than what you are. That is why I have chosen to make you one of my Lords of Chaos."

"Me? A Lord of Chaos? I think not. I stand with the light!" Lionfang replied.

"Do you? Are you so certain? In a world where a good king bends his knee to an evil empress, nobody is your friend," Drakath said, as he returned the whip to Lionfang. "Chaos is neither good nor evil, but it is also both at the same time. Chaos is the third option. It is your only option, Lionfang."

"I don't... I'm not..."

"You're not evil, I know. In fact, I think you and those soldiers who remain loyal to you might be the only truly good people left on Lore. What I offer you is the chance to rid the world of evil and the power to accomplish that task. Accept this gift, bring some much chaos to a world grown dark, dull, and evil."

"I... I will. But my honor demands that I warn you, I will find a way to battle chaos and, once evil is gone, I will use it to destroy you."

"HAHAHA! Wonderful! Chaos eating itself! I would expect no less from one of my chosen. Now like any other, you need to practice your skill to unlock new abilities. Once that is done, you may continue your search for a weapon to destroy me. Come. Let us begin your training."


A town was filled with an old race called the Darkblood. It had strong, tall and sturdy walls protecting it. The Darkblood City of Falguard. The Darkblood were a race that looked somehow like fawns, half sheep, half human. They had human faces with horns and scruffy hair, and had knees bending the opposite way. Instead of feet, they had hooves, just like a fawn.

Darkblood armies were preparing for an attack by chaos forces. Two people were leading the army. One Darkblood, one human. The leader was a female Darkblood with pinkish purple skin, and black armor that covered her upper body. She had long purple hair and her hens were curved, nearly reaching the back for her head. Her name was Madra. The man beside her, a representative from Swordhaven, had a white suit with shoulder pads, and green markings on his suit, his shoulders, and knees. He wore white boots and had a green circular hat, with brown hair. He also was equipped with a musket on his back. It was Mortimer, the old pirate captain of Lolosia, now a military captain of  the Swordhaven crew.

"We have reports that the invading force is divided in two," Mortimer announced to the Darkblood army. "Half of the force marches from the south and the other half from the east."

"I don't have to remind you that Falguard Dreadwatch has protected these walls for more than two centuries," Madra announced. "We have never let an enemy set a single foot inside this city, and we're not going to start today. I don't have to tell any of you what we protect, either. I hope you sharpened your teeth, boys and girls, because we will be feasting on that army tonight! Who are we?"

"The Falguard Dreadwatch!" the army screamed.

"I said who are we, you gutless sheep!" Madra shouted.


"That's right! If we die, we die on our hooves!" Madra said. "Anyone who fails their post owes me their eyeballs!"

Suddenly, a purple orb appeared in the scene, and it abducted a small portion of the army. Madra was surprised. She looked up to find a silhouette, and it went closer and closer, revealing to be Lionfang on a chaotic manticore. His once golden armor was now turned purple, only the breastplate remained gold. And not only did he have a whip, he also had a chaos tentacle on his other hand. The manticore was a terrifying beast, with a scratched and chaorrupted face, with chaorrupted wings lifting him to the air.

"Don't bother surrendering!" Lionfang said menacingly. "First, you will give me what I want. Then, I'm exterminating your whole evil race. Falguard now belongs to Chaos Lord Lionfang and the Golden Onslaught!"

And the chaos army, as Mortimer said, charged from the south wall and the east wall. The Darkblood army rushed to Falguard's walls to defend, as ordered by Madra and Mortimer. The chaos forces attacked and the battle began. Madra and Mortimer stayed in a big room behind the walls, with the great Beast Darkblood, The Primarch. They kept themselves safe in the room, with Mortimer firing his musket out the window at the chaos forces. Although... The battle did not go well. The uncountable chaos forces broke through the walls of Falguard. Purple flames and chaotic orbs were flooding the land in chaos. Lionfang, who was using the Darkblood Scroll to locate the weapon against chaos, broke into the room that Madra, Mortimer, and the Primarch were in. The gate blasted open, and Lionfang walked his way up to the giant gray beast Darkblood, Primarch.

"I have ripped your city apart looking for them," Lionfang said. "You will tell me where the Tears of the Mother are, Primarch."

There was no answer.

"The Tears of the Mother?" Mortimer said, alarmed.

"Primarch!" Madra screamed. She attempted to run to him, but Mortimer placed his hands on her shoulders, pulling her back. "Get your hands off me! My place is by his side."

"Don't be stupid," said Mortimer. "You'd be throwing your life away."

"If you don't want to tell me where they are, I will rip their location from your mind," Lionfang said. He wrapped his tentacle around Primarch's head, and a terrible scream came out.


"I see... You've hidden them in the Death Pits," Lionfang said menacingly. "You knew that I was coming, yet you stayed here to protect Falguard. You creatures are stupid as you are evil."

"You have your answer, Lionfang," Madra said. "Let him live."

"I plan on it. You, however, might want to defend yourself," Lionfang said. He took away the tentacle from Primarch's head, and Primarch faced Mortimer with his weapon ready. "Primarch, destroy this champion of evil, then hunt down and destroy the rest of your evil race."

Lionfang teleported himself out of the room. Madra was stunned.


The Primarch charged at Mortimer. He raised his axe and attempted to slam it at him, and Mortimer jumped to the side, and rolled on the floor. Primarch was swinging his axe everywhere, and Mortimer evaded every single hit. Mortimer loaded his musket and aimed it at Primarch. Primarch attempted to slam Mortimer again, and raised his axe to the air, but Mortimer fired his musket, and the bullet landed near his right shoulder, making him drop his axe. Mortimer then pulled out a dagger, and threw it at the other shoulder, and Primarch kneeled down, weakened and defeated...

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