The Meeting

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"Hi", he said smiling.
"Hey",you said grinning like a dork.
"May I come in? I mean I don't have too ,just depends.", he said awkwardly scratching the back of his head.
"Sure", you say , still not sure if you had too much to drink on the plane.You step aside leaving the entrance wide open. Jack steps in and plops down on your bed face first without warning.
"So", you say trying to make this situation less awkward than it has to be at the moment," Do you want to see the phone?"
Jack sighs obviously tired, "Sure."
He sits up and stares at you intently as you walk to the other side of the bed and pick up the phone . "Here", you say handing Jack the phone," Don't worry I didn't hack it or whatever . I'm not some freak." He looks at you and chuckles flirtatiously "You a freak?", his eyes shift towards the other side of the room," How could anyone with such gorgeous eyes be a freak?", he whispers to himself , but you still hear and blush so much you look like a heat lamp.
Jack notices and immediately changes the subject.
"So, you here to see Mark and me perhaps?"

"Yeah actually the passes were  really cheap."
"Good, good we always like Meeting fans. Probably not in this circumstance though ," he says as his eyes shift from you to the floor.
"Yeah probably not huh.", you say a little hurt.
"No , no I'm not saying I didn't want to meet you it's just an unusual situation , you know?", he said noticing the hurt in your eyes.
"So since we'll have to wait about an hour, what do you usually like?" , Jack asks trying to be productive.
"Uh, well ...I LOVE Doctor who, Sherlock , and supernatural. I really like ice cream , Christmas cookies, Christmas , and video games!", you say finally exiting out of nervous into serious nervous babbling.

Time Skip: 1 hour later
After talking about certain shows and cracking open a couple bottles of the hotel beers, courtesy of Jack because , as he said ,"I'm a gentleman no need to pay 50 bucks."
You hear a knock at the door.
"That must be Mark I could smell his hair dye from a mile away ." Jack said as he clumsily got up and walked towards the door.
As the door opened you could see Mark's bright red hair poke through the door way.
"Hey! At least my hair doesn't look like I live in a toxic waste department. MR.SEPTICEYE!" Mark said sarcastically as his head was poking out to see you siting there giggling like a moron at the joke.
Jack hugs Mark and invites him in.
"You smell like you had a few cold ones jack." Mark's says setting his stuff down. "I guess we're all staying here tonight", you think a little annoyed cuz alcohol makes you cranky yet 'hilariously adorable' as your old-friend T told you a long time ago.
Mark walks over to you and sets out his hand again for you to shake.
"Nice to see you again Ms.(y/n)."
"You as well." You say a little flirty.
You all sit down and basically get low key wasted on the mini bar in your room. Again Jack insists on paying , but Mark continues to persists on himself paying," No , No, No! I wanna buy! I'm treating you both. A couple drinks for my best friend and this delightful looking young lady with us tonight."Mark winks at you ,and you being the idiot you are ,started to laugh so hard you snort. You immediately get super embarrassed as the other guys laugh at you. You glare at them both. "What it's adorable!", they both say in unison. They both look at each other and glare.

Jack's P.O.V
He knocked on the hotel door expecting to see a bunch of girls with cameras and phones. Even though he loved his fans he liked his privacy once in a while. The door opens and he sees the most beautiful girl he's ever saw. She stood there with a goofy grin which made him smile, but he soon got caught in her (e/c) eyes they were so beautiful and interesting to gaze at.
"Hi", he says continuing to smile.

Time Skip :
After making a remark about her eyes ,which he thought he said in his head, was said out loud he knew that after she sat there and practically looked as red as a tomato he had to change the subject. A little later after she explained some of her interests and hobbies that they had enough time to drink. They cracked open some beers and talked about things until they heard a knock at the door.
He invited Mark in and they all got wasted In the hotel room .  Mark insists on paying for all the drinks after you already said you would and then makes a little hint at (y/n) and winks. You get a little upset until you look over and hear her snorting and laughing like a little piggy. She glares at you and Mark and in Unison you both say, "What it's adorable!". You both look at each other with the same look that says the same thing

"This one's mine."

P.S Yes I'm aware of Mark not being able to handle alcohol correctly I just put this part in as a segue to the next part of the story.

Mark's P.O.V ( I got a little of this part from a diff fanfic I can't remember author sorry!)
After meeting what you think might be the sexiest girl you've met in a long time, from the (h/l) (h/c) hair to the cute body, you all get wasted and decide to go to a bar down the street. Just to get even more wasted and have an excuse to eat artery clogging food. You all get there and start taking shots. Each shot you take the more you look at (y/n) and realize how sexy she is. You see jack flirting with her and you decide to change seats so you can get closer to her. You end up sitting next to her , but she's to busy looking at Jack flex his drunken water weight muscles at her while she does her adorable little snort, to pay any attention to you. She exclaims very loudly she has to piss and goes to the restroom. You and Jack both wait for her to get back. But you just can't wait anymore , so while Jack's distracted you get up and wait by the ladies room.

Your P.O.V
You all decide to go to a nearby bar and take some shots. Jack keeps showing of his muscles while you snort like an idiot again , but you're so drunk you don't care. Mark moves his seat so he's sitting next you. You quickly realize you gotta take a piss ,so without thinking you basically shout it across the bar.
You leave Mark and Jack by the bar and you leave to use the shitter. As you were leaving the shit filled room you see Mark waiting by the bathroom leaning against the wall. He looks up and gives you a devil like smirk which doesn't sit well within you, but you continue to walk past him. As you try to walk past he blocks the way.
"Un can I GO Mark ?", you ask eagerly.
"Not till I'm done with you.", he says before -
Hahahaah cliff hanger! Gotta wait till next time!

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