Oh come on!

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Jack's P.O.V.
After everyone got back you all went to your rooms. You laid down and browsed the T.V guide.
After failing to find anything to watch you got on your phone. Since you were bored you looked through your photos.
The most recent one of (y/n).
You took it when She was looking at the first edition shelf in that antique store. The window behind her held a beautiful sunset outside which reflected against her (s/c) beautifully.
She was smiling into a copy of  (f/b) with bright pink cheeks.
Your eyes shifted from her cheeks to her lips. They looked so glossy and soft. She wasn't wearing any makeup which made her look real. Real.
She made you feel real.
She never took things to seriously , but got serious when the time was needed for it. And that snort never failed to make you smile.
Your mind shifted back to how her lips would feel on yours. How soft and warm her tongue would feel....
Knock , Knock , Knock!

"Jack? ", you heard (y/n)'s sweet voice through the door.
You shot up out of bed and opened the door.  (y/n) was there in a black cami and plaid pajama pants.
Your eyes hovered over her cleavage before they shot back up to her face.
"Can I come in? ", She asked ," turns out that when your wired on sugar from tonight's dessert you can't go to sleep early."
"Sure.", you said letting her in.
"So what do you want to do?", you asked still trying to avoid her breasts.
"Ohhhh! I have a good Idea!", she said evilly.
"What?", you said curiously.
"Lets Play Never have I ever!", she exclaimed.
"Ok", you said scared.
You both sat down and got ready to start the game.
You began.
"Never have I ever ......
Punched someone in the face?"
She put one finger down.
"A pervert on the bus."
She continued.
"Never have I ever....
Watched gay porn!"
I put one finger down.
"Oh I knew it !", she gushed up and down.
Her breasts started to move.
"Shit look away", you thought.
"When did you watch it?", she prodded.
"I was at a high school party and we played truth or dare." You looked down embarrassed.
"Priceless!", she said laughing.
"Aw shut up!", you said still trying not to get distracted by her boobs again.
"Ok, ok my turn.", you said ready to win," Never have I ever ...
Had sex with a close friend ."
She started to blush madly.
"Nope , nada.", she said quickly.
"Oh come on! I can't believe that!", you said astounded.
"Well I couldn't have cause I've never had sex!".
She said offended.
"I'm also sure no one would want to anyways." Sounding a little sad .
"Well I need to use the bathroom ", she said nervously.
"Oh yeah it's over there." You pointed towards the bathroom. She got up and left.
You let out a huge sigh.
Never had sex? Her? She's so beautiful . How could no man want her?
"You could teach her." The thought ran through your mind.
You soon felt arms go around your waist that brought you into a hug.
"Thanks for being my friend Sean.", you could feel the crack in her voice,"You seem to really care about how I feel even if we just meet a couple days ago."
You turned around and saw her beautiful (e/c) eyes misty from tears.
"Of course I care about how you feel.
I care about you." ,You said as the sight of her tears made your heart hurt.
"You do?", she said trying to smile.
"Why wouldn't I care about you?",You decided you were gonna do it.
"Yes?", she responded.
"What you said earlier about no one wanting to have sex with you close friend or not.", you continued," I think you're wrong."
"Why?",she asked.
"I think I'm falling for you.", you said into her neck.
You looked into her eyes and finally did what you've been wanting to do for a while.
You kissed her. At first she was in shock and then the kiss was amazing. She tasted like the soufflé that she had this evening. She opened her mouth allowing you entrance . Your tongue snaked inside. It was as you thought warm and soft. You soon started to kiss her collar bone and licked her neck soft and slowly gaining a moan. It sounded so seductive and alluring. You kept doing that over and over again until she pulled down her cami to reveal her black bra.
"Unhook it.", she demanded.
Your hands had no problem unhooking her bra to reveal her breasts.
You slowly traced a thumb over one of her nipples making her shiver. You kept rubbing slowly making her shivers turn to gyrating and her gyrating turn to grinding . You then bent down and flicked your tongue across her nipple. She then gave out a loud whimper as she felt your dick run up against her through your pants. You smirked and
then put your hands down her pajama pants feeling she had already started getting wet. You put your hands in her underwear and started rubbing over her clit slowly making her bite her lip in pleasure. She then let out louder and faster moans as you continued.
She almost reached climax whe-
You woke up.
You sat there and noticed you had
A wet dream.
"Could I get any more creepy?", you thought to your self.
You sat there and noticed you heard moans coming from the close to yours.
A girl's.
You walk out of your room and notice it's coming from (y/n)'a room.
(Just like Jack cares so much , but can't be noticed).

Felix's P.O.V.
You shut the door to your room and unpacked. You tried to get your mind off the way you acted towards (y/n).
"God I'm such a douche !", you said running your fingers through your hair,"I never act like that! And to be so forward! God what's wrong with me!"
"She's just so alluring...
I can't help myself when I'm around her! And when she does that little laugh I could've just gone insane if I didn't do anything."
"I should apologize ." , you said agreeing with yourself .

Time Skip
You went down the hall to (y/n)'s room and knocked on the door.
After a second of waiting the door flung open.
She was wearing nothing but a thin robe and what you assume to be underwear underneath.
"Well look at me getting an early Christmas present!" ,you automatically shut up when she smacked you in the face.
"Ok ,ok deserved that one.", you said a little turned on.
"God what's wrong with me.", you thought.
"May I come in?",you asked rubbing your face.

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