First Day with Jack

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Your P.O.V.
You woke up the next morning to three annoying idiots banging on your door.
"(y/n)!", you heard an high pitched irishman through the door", wake up!".
"Yeah!", A deep chocolatey voice rang through the door," we got food!"
You shifted at the mention of food.
"DONUTS!", a Swedish man yelled through the door.
You shot up and opened the door immediately .

(Sorry if you don't like donuts.)

You opened the door and they were wearing their normal styles.

Mark in a plaid shirt with regular jeans and sneakers.

Jack in his cute red shirt rolled up to the forearms ripped black skinny jeans
and sneakers.

Felix in a black shirt rolled up to the forearms and black jeans and sneakers.

"Little edgy aren't we Felix?", you said smiling.
"At least I put clothes on.", Felix said laughing.
You realized you were only wearing a robe that you had on last night. You started to blush again.
"Why didn't I put pajamas on", you said as you mentally face palmed.
You stared at each other for a second before you noticed Jack and Mark looking at you.
"Uh come on in!", you said as you walked to the bathroom ,"Imma put some clothes on", you said shutting the door.
You started to slip on some skinny jeans until you heard some talking through the door,"What were you up to last night? ", who you assumed was Jack.
"Nothing.", Felix said.
"Don't lie", Jack said.
"What're you guys talking about?", Mark said.
"Nothing!", they said in unison.
"It's really none of your business Jack", Felix said clearly agitated.
You tried to ignore what they were saying and got dressed.
You slipped on a (f/c) sweater and your converse and exited the Bathroom.
When you entered the room Felix and Jack were giving each other mean looks and Mark was eating a Donut.
"So! Donuts!", you said trying to lighten the mood.
It seemed to work and you all sat and ate donuts.

Time Skip:
You all got your stuff and you were ready to head to Pax.
Felix and Mark went to wait by the lobby for the uber and Jack waited for you.
"So..", you said shutting the door behind you," you've been quiet. Are you ok?
"I'm fine. ", Jack said looking down.
"No you aren't", you said poking him the face.
"Alright , I'm a little jealous.", Jack said getting a little red.
You suddenly felt guilty.
"I haven't really gotten to hang out with you as much as I wanted to.", Jack said pushing the down button on the elevator.
"I'm sorry ", you said thinking back to last night and how you lied to him.
"You wanna hang out at Pax today?", Jack asked,"Felix and Mark are doing a signing and I have a free day."
You smiled.
"Sure.", You laughed and pinched him in the face," I wouldn't want Jack to be all alone now would I ?"
He slapped you hand away.
"Stop it ", he said poking you back.

Time Skip:
You arrived at Pax and got your pass.
Felix and Mark went their way for the signing while you and Jack were left Alone in a large wave of people.
You decided to walk around.
"So what do you wanna look at first?", Jack asked with bright eyes.
"What about over there?", you pointed towards a V.R. Setup for PlayStation 4.
You spent some time at other setups looking at different releases for games and got some merch. Jack got stopped a couple of times from some fans. They were really sweet. Some even told Jack to split some of the gifts they gave him with you .After about an hour or two you decided to get a bite to eat.
You stopped up at the café and got some inside seats.
"I'm having a lot of fun Jack , thanks for letting me hang around", you said happily.
"No problem! I love hanging out with you.", He said sipping at his coffee.
Cutting the chit chat Jack got down to brass tacks," Hey (y/n) can you tell me what you and Felix were really doing last night?"
You almost spit out your hot cocoa.

Jack's P.O.V.
I had to know. You could tell she almost spit out her drink.
"Listen Jack, I'm going to tell you straight because I don't want to lie to you .", she said breathing in large breaths.
"Something did happen ", your heart sank as she spoke the words," we didn't have sex though."
You felt a slight bit better.
"Do you love him?", you hated to say it but you had to know.
"To be honest Jack
I don't really know. I do know that all three of you make me feel like this week is a dream come true.", she said looking you straight in the eyes.
Man her (e/c) eyes are beautiful.
But you don't want to be in a game you might loose.
"Listen (y/n) I want you to know that I-
I- ireaaalygcreabotyoue.", you mumbled.
"What did you say?", she asked .
"I really care about you ",you said looking down," I want you to know if you decide on any of us I'll respect your decision, but I will tell you that You're very important to me.
You leaned in over the table avoiding the coffee.
(y/n)'s eyes widened and she blushed which made you smile.
You leaned in pushing her hair behind her ears with your hand.
"This is ok right?", you asked hoping she agreed.

Your P.O.V.
"This is ok right?", he asked about a centimeter away from your face.
You nodded.
His breath smelt like Black coffee and a chocolate croissant.
He leaned in and time seemed to slow down.
His lips connected with yours and you both moved in a labored  motion. He caressed your cheek in his hand making you giggle. He smiled against your lips. He Tasted just as he smelled making your lips curl into a smile , but he pulled away.

"Was that ok?", he asked.
"It was great.", you said looking down.
"For now until I can make you happy I hope that tells you how much I care about you. It feels weird though. I barely know you and - and I think I-I'm
Ring , Ring
You pick up your phone
"Oh it's Felix. I'll be right back.", you said standing up.

Jack's P.O.V.
"Falling for you.", you thought exasperated.

Time Skip :
You can't seem to stop thinking about  the kiss. You're happy she liked it and hope it can make her understand , but she's torn in between you and your closest friends.
Why did it have to be this way?
You can tell both of your friends like her too , but- you sighed.
You have a feeling she'll choose Felix or Mark .
As long as she's happy.
"As long as she's happy.",
You repeated.
"Who's happy", (y/n) questioned which made you jump.
"Uh no one.", you responded looking through your phone.
You were walking to a panel Mark, Felix, Bob , Ethan, Tyler , and Wade had.
You got some good seats since you were friends with all of them and people kept looking at you and (y/n) for some reason.
You opened up twitter and saw some people sent you a picture of you and
(y/n) kissing at the café.
Which held the caption:
"Ohh looks like our Jackie got a new baby ;) @jacksepticeye ."

Oh shit.
"I love my fans , but god they're kinda creepy when it comes to these things.", you thought.

You sat down in your seats waiting for the Panel to start . The lights were dim making you a little droopy , but you stayed awake.
You looked over to (y/n) to see if she wanted to take a selfie , but when you looked over she was asleep on your shoulder.
Even with all the clamoring in the room she still slept .
Someone behind you tapped your shoulder.
"Hi! Are you Jacksepticeye ?", the boy asked.
"Oh hey!",you turned around trying not to wake her up.
"Nice to meet you.", you said in a whisper.
"You too", he said doing the same.
"Is this your um girlfriend?", he asked with wonder in his eyes.
"Uh- uhh ...
Yeah.", you said smiling.
"She's very pretty and I bet she's sweet too!", he continued," you better treat her right."
"Of course .", you responded,"She my girl!"
"Well ", the boy said gleefully," I wish you two luck, but you probably wouldn't need any ,you look so happy."
"Thanks", you held out your hand ,"it was nice to meet you."
"You too!", he shook your hand and went back to his seat.
"We look that happy huh? I hope it goes well for everyone in the end.", you thought putting your arm around her.
As long as she's happy.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2020 ⏰

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