You're so fucking gullible!

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You guys went to a local diner and grabbed pancakes. Mark ,who was devouring his chocolate chip pancakes, shifted his arms and looked at you as you ate.
"What?" You said shoving some strawberries in your mouth.
"Nothing you just , uh you never explained that dick joke from before."
He made a large smirk before looking down to eat some more.
"Oh yeah!" You said looking over at Jack signaling him to get in in the joke.
He smirked in response.
"It's very um- interesting " , you said smiling , " but I don't think you'd be comfortable knowing."
"I'm fine. I'm no child" Mark said looking at his phone.
"Fine , but you asked for it. It is pretty funny."
"Really? So what's it about?"  ,Mark said putting his phone down.
You started to get all serious ready to get him back for last night.
"Well after your little indiscretion from last night...." You stopped to look at Jack and he continued for you.
"We took you back to your room , and I found out that I left my room key , so I went to your room , but you were so drunk and passed out you wouldn't answer the door.
Instead I headed over to (y/n)'s."
"I let him in and we got to talking ", you continued ,"I was getting a palet ready on the floor for him to sleep on , but ... he came up from behind and um- kinda got a little handsy , but not with his hands if you know what I mean." You and Jack started laughing a little bit not giving away the joke just yet.
Mark  immediately grew red with embarrassment , " Yeah you're right I shouldn't hear it ;not my type of joke."
"Oh come on ", you said leaning in right next to his ear whispering ," don't you wanna hear about how he kissed my neck or how he whispered my name in my ear ?"
"I thought you said you guys didn't -"
Mark said.
"We were trying to protect you . But you wouldn't let up about the 'joke' ." You said flicking his ear.
Jack ,still within ear shot, got red trying to hold in the laughter  and gave in.
"No, no , no! I can't do it ! Mark sorry you're just so fucking gullible!"
You let out a big long laugh while Mark sat there dumb founded.
After a few minutes Mark finally got the memo.
"Oh fuck you guys!" ,Mark said crossing his arms ," that's not funny!"
"Sorry  ", you said ruffling up Mark's hair," It's pretty fucking funny!"
"Did you have to get so detailed?" Jack asked .
"Hey it's not like it actually happened !" You said laughing.
"It's your dream not mine." Jack said winking.
Then you really started to blush.
Mark cleared his throat.
"Well if you guys are done with your fucked up jokes...
I'm ready to go." Mark went on to the bathroom and it was just you and Jack again.
"Ok ",you said taking money out of your purse.
"I'll pay !" Jack pleaded .
"No. I wanna pay!" You said .
"Fine..", he sighed," thanks." He then opened his arms for a hug.
You hugged him back and as you started to pull away he stopped and gave you a long kiss on the cheek.
When he pulled back you were so surprised and in shock you didn't notice Jack took your money.
After you gained your metaphorical 'consciousness ' back again he had a huge grin on his face.
"Give me my Money Sean!" You said embarrassed and a bit agitated.
"Ohhhh the first name! I'm in trouble now!"
"Give it back!" You insisted.
"Only if you let me pay." Jack negotiated .
"Fine!", you sighed and opened you hand to get your money back.
Jack gladly gave it back and paid for your breakfast .

Time Skip:
After a while of roaming around town in the cold you all decided to look at some cool novelties at an old antique store.
Mark kept buying you things for some reason. You thanked him though.
Jack got upset at Mark and they left to talk for a while. Whatever probably talking about tomorrow. As you waited you looked out through the window and noticed it was getting dark and snowing. You almost forgot there was like two more weeks until Christmas . "Huh. Maybe this is my Christmas gift. Thanks Santa!"
"Did you just say 'Thanks Santa'?" Mark asked walking over to you.
"Uh no ,must be hearing things ", you said looking down.
"Jack had to go he's picking up Felix from the airport. They'll be back in a while ."
"Oh uh Felix huh?" You immediately started to fangirl on the inside.
"Please tell me you like him. He's real good guy just a little memed up sometimes. But then again I love it when he's like that."
"Oh I love Felix! He seems really nice just like you and Jack."
You looked back up expecting to see him looking outside , but he was looking at you smiling .
You blushed and Smiled back.
"You know (y/n) I really like you. It's only been a couple days , but you just seem to know me really well." He put his arm on your shoulder.
"Well I have been watching you for a while." You felt a little tingly.
"No not like that", he sounded a little hurt," It's just you don't let me give you crap or try to cater to me like a lot  of my fans would. Don't get me wrong I love my fans from the bottom of my heart , but I would never compare someone I a very close friend to me, just a fan."
Mark then looked outside and you stare at him for a while . He's different .
"Mark, I've felt lonely and sad for as long as I could remember  you and of course Jack and Felix gave me an escape. There's this fine line between thinking that you consider someone ..... as you said very close and it actually being real. I've always been scared I was just thinking that I did.
I could never make sure I actually felt those feelings for you and um you know Jack and Felix. I'm just scared that it's all fake. I would miss you too much if it was." You started to tear up. And a tear fell down your cheek.

"Hey , hey don't cry ", Mark said taking his hand and wiping the tear away with his thumb. "I've always been worried that when I meet a 'fan' that they would only care about me or get super jealous when I talked to others, I want you (y/n) to know that you are really different and special to me ."His hand was warm on your face ," you know what I have a surprise for you."
"Not another present you've already bought me a bunch of stuff."
Mark pointed upwards. You looked up.


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