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Your P.O.V

"WHA-"? You're interrupted by two of Mark's arms snaking around your waist. After madly blushing ,you finally sober up and realize this compromising and violating situation you've been put in.

"Ha ha , very funny Mark. Now let me go." You say trying to rationalize the situation as a joke.

"No way. Come on give me a little kiss ." Mark says leaning in and trying to kiss you.

"No offense , but you smell like you ever so slightly bathed in tequila." You said hoping it would distract him enough for you to make a run for it. No such luck. Then you realized you had no room to talk. Mark is now moving his hands further down your waist and you're just like,

"Fuck this shit i'm out."

then you realize as mark finally grasps your ass , that you're not that brave. Mark slowly starts to nibble on your neck and you get tired of this so........

You scream.

Jack's P.O.V

While you weren't looking Mark left. Probably to use the bathroom , so you don't mind with looking.

While you were waiting you bought two more drinks for Mark and (y/n). At first you thought this day would be a disaster of fans and uncomfortable tiny meet ups in a hotel room. You were really surprised you would have this much fun, and with such a beautiful girl. You were kind of worried about Mark though. As you see it both of you have an eye on her and that's not good.

"Hopefully this works out for all o-", you were cut off by a familiar voice screaming your name. you immediately jump up and run towards the screams. they were coming from near the bathrooms. Once you got down the corridor you looked over to see a very scared (y/n) and a very touchy feely Mark. He was kissing her neck and feeling her up. It upset you , but you knew he was drunk and you already know how he is when he's drunk. You rush over to grab mark's shoulder and tell him it's time to go back to the hotel.

He protests at first and after a couple tries he complies with your request and you all leave.

(y/n), although a little shook up and scared, shared a cab with you guys and you all headed back to the hotel. In the cab Mark passed out on (y/n)'s lap and you and her sat quietly until you got there. when you got there you held Mark up with your shoulder and you all went upstairs. When you all got to your rooms you said goodnight and went on your way. Mark went inside his room and so did (y/n). You went into your pocket to fish out the key card when you realized you left it in your room when you went to see (y/n). You knocked on Mark's door to ask if you could stay in there , but no one answered. You figured he passed out once again and you went over to (y/n)'s room.

She answered in her pj's ,which where just, REALLY ,short shorts and a rose red cami.

She seemed to drunk to notice and you asked to stay the night.

She agreed and you realized there was only one bed..........

Your P.O.V

After a very awkward drive back to the the hotel and some good nights you went into your room and changed into your 'sexy' pajamas.

Shortly after you hear a knock at your door and you open it to see Jack. After a few seconds Jack seemed very flustered. To be honest at the hour you were up ,you didn't give a flying cow fuck.

Jack left his key in his room and Mark wouldn't wake up ,so you let him stay with you.

Once he got settled in you both realized that.......

there was only one bed.

You offered the bed to him since he's the one without a room , but he refused.

You decided that you would both share the bed because neither of you wanted to make the other sleep on the floor.

Jack went to the bathroom and you waited sitting awkwardly on the bed.

After a while you look up to see jack leaving the bathroom. as jack was leaving you could tell he only had his boxers on. You looked at his toned chest. You blushed so hard you face could fall off.

Jack looks up and realizes that out of regular occurrence he got undressed and ready for bed without thinking. That he would be sharing a bed with a very attractive girl.

"Oh, shit sorry (y/n)!" Jack said embarrassed.

"It's fine just go to sleep you said drearily ." Trying to forget it happened.

Jack crawls into bed with you making sure he keeps his distance on the other side of the bed.

After a long awkward silence you both fall asleep.

Time Skip:

During the middle of the night you felt something press up on the small of your back.

You also felt arms around you making you warm. Then...

Reality hit.

1:The arms around you were jack's arms.

2:The thing pressing on the small of your back was Jack's Dick.

Oh shit.

What the fuck just happened ?!

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